Ten: Keep in mind that I'm a sore eye.

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Matt's Point of View (Smut ahead.)

Even though it pained me, I had to it. They said the best part of trust is honesty right? The thing is, I was terrified, terrified I would loose my one true form of happiness. I took a deep breath and walked into "our" hotel room. She wore one of my shirts and a pair of boy short underwear. She was zonked out and it gave me a moment to stare at her unforgiving beauty. Why would anyone want to murder such a beautiful woman? I sighed as I saw a silohette of Ben staring down at her. "She's a pretty gal." 

"She's beautiful." I whispered. "Pretty is not the correct word." This caused Ben too look up at me. "You going to tell her?" "What choice do I have?" This caused him to sigh. "Tell her in the morning. It's Midnight, besides you need rest." I nodded as I started to undo my belt. Ben patted my back and whispered, "Don't make babies tonight." I rolled my eyes as he left. I wouldn't imagine having a child, not yet anyway. 

I slid off my pant and slid into the bed. She rolled over and opened her eyes. I didn't know until then but she had the most gorgeous eyes. I stared at them which caused her to smile. "Did you get Oli?" "Yeah he is in Jordon and Lee's room." She nodded and kissed me. I kissed her back, it was innocent yet she then began to rub me. I felt a hard on come on as she began to kiss my neck. "Oh Jesus fucking Christ Rae..." She giggled and pushed me onto my back and stared down at me. "I'm horny Matty." This caused me to smirk. I sat up and she wrapped her legs around me. "I can help you with that." She took her tank top off and I quickly took off her bra. She smirked as I started kissing her boobs and massaging the other in my hand. She arched her back and stiffled a moan. This caused me to softly laugh. With my other hand i slowly detatched her and placed her on her back. She gave me a look that made my member harden. I began to kiss her neck as i slipped a hand in her boy shorts. She sighed against my shoulder and she started to bite it. This caused me to groan. She then grabbed me as i stuck a finger up her. She moaned and this caused me to smile. She started stroking me and she was so moist. (A/N killed your boner with that word right?) She groaned. "Just fuck me already." 

I glanced at her. "Are you sure." 


I shrugged and slid out of my boxer briefs as she slid out of her boy shorts. I grabbed my member away from her and looked for a condom. "I don't care just enter me!"

I shrugged and without warning her slammed into her. She bit her lip to stop a scream. This made me extreamly happy. I began slow yet I went faster as time went on. She flipped up over and began to ride me. I smiled at her as she smiled back. She grabbed both of my hands as she rode. I began to laugh as she smiled at me. She moaned a little then giggled. It was the best type of sex I had in a long time. 

I felt a familiar feeling and sat up and kissed her neck. She licked my ear and whispered. "Matt, I'm close..." 

"Together babe," 

She nodded. We both counted together and both errupted together. I kissed her cheek and we both laid on our back. Both our hands were still intertangled. We both breathed heavily then looked at eachother. "Thank you," 


"The best sex ever," she said shyly. This caused me to chuckle as I pulled her closer. I held her as she laid her head on my shoulder. "Am I hickie free?"

"We'll see in the morning."

She groaned. I laughed. She then closed her eyes and fell asleep on my shoulder.  "Good night angel," I whispered. "We have a hectic day tomorrow.." With that I closed my eyes and fell asleep. 

Ravens Point of View. 

The morning I woke, it was perfect. I felt myself naked next to Matt and heard him breathing silently. His lips we slightly apart and he just looked, beautiful. I started to outline his tattoo's as I thought about nothing. 

"Can you feel the Silence?" A Matt Nicholls Love Story.Where stories live. Discover now