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Hello everyone, it's QuartzMiner18! If you all can guess, this book is coming to a close. The 25th chapter will be the last chapter! It's going to be long, though, but it's going to be SO GOOD!!! I'm so excited to start writing it, but I have to stick to my update schedule. But don't get out your pitch forks and torches, because wait for it.... CHILL THERES ANOTHER BOOOK!!! It's going to be called 'A Past Life', but I'm not going to spoil anything. Muahahahahaaaaaaaa! So excited guys! Oh, but the next book is the very last book, and it's much shorter than this one. Well, I don't know... It might be as long. Who knows? All I'm going to say about the next book is: the Demon Warlock!!! Now I leave you to suffer from the cliffhanger! Hehehe....

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