Sitting back?

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"Spring break!" Twilight sat on her dorm bed with excitement.
"We want to live on earth! Why do we have to spring a break?" Rainbow exclaimed.
"The season spring gives us about three weeks off school!" Fluttershy squealed.
"Yeah and you all still can train over this break." Said spike. "Never know what might come up!"
Then held his mouth. Twilight cringed in disgust. The others waited anxiously.
"Why are you all," Twilight began to ask. Spike burped up flames that all took the form of a letter.
"Let me read!" Pinkie snatched the letter.

I, Princess Celestia cordially invites you to the wedding aniversary of princess mi amore cadenza and royal guard captain shinning armor.
Signed, Princess Celestia

Shinning Armor? Twilight was shocked. It was her brother.
"My..Brother.. I haven't seen him is so long!" She had a flashback to when she was three.
"Why shinning leaving?" She had asked her mom.
"His new job." She said softly.
Twilight hadn't seen him often. Probably every two months at least.
"Your big brothers married? Congrats!" Applejack said.
"I just haven't seen him in so long, and I don't know who this princess is!" Twilight complained.
She felt a mix of happiness and regret that her brother didn't tell who the girl was, let alone reveal his marriage. She didn't even attend.
"We got a wedding anniversary to attend this spring break!" Pinkie squealed.
"For a princess and captain of the royal guards!" Rarity joined in the squealing. The girls fantasizing about their outfit while twilight wondered about her brother.

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