Princess Magic

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The world was saved. The heroes stood on the balcony as people gathered to applaud them.
"You are ready. Princess of magic.." Celestia said appearing with her sister.
Twilight had flash backs to everyone calling her princess.
Several times. Could this mean..
"I'm a princess?" She whispered as the girls eyes went wide.
"Yes, you have showed the qualities of a true princess. One who never loses hope. And knows where to find it. That unlocked your alicorn form." Celestia said with a smile.
"...but" she said.
Her friends smiled and gave thumbs up.
"Okay I'm ready!" She nodded.

A day later back in canterlot was her coronation. She stood with her friends in her coronation dress. A tiara sat on her head.
"I am princess Twilight of magic. But my friends are my other parts. The ones I value and love most."
"So this means back to earth, living normal lives in between!" Pinkie said.
"We completed our mission" Fluttershy said.
The girls glanced at each other with smiles.
"Well let's go!" Twilight said.
"Harmony Precure!"

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