High Spirits

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After a teleport spell, the precure arrived at a city made of shimmering glassy crystal. In the center was a tall palace that resembled a skyscraper. The city sparkled but the crystal people held no sparkle to their complexions. Just blank and sad like a funeral. They had to make their hope shine like their home.
The girls walked into the castle. Well rarity gushed most of the way. After gushing and walking, the made it to the throne room.
Princess cadence sat on the throne with her hands glowing.
"Twiliy!" Shinning came up and hugged his sister.
"Is cadence powering the shield?" Twilight asked.
"Yes but she can't forever.." Shinning said.
"Were going to find the heart." Twilight said.
"Well we need to cheer them up.." Fluttershy said.
"Right.." Twilight said.
"I did see a shine in the tower. Try there." Rarity winked.
"I'll come with twilight!" Spike announced
"We should plan a party!" Pinkie yelled.
"Yeah!" They said and the all walked out the room to make a crystal party happen. Twilight was left in the throne room with spike and powered open a hatch to the basement.

Jaunty music played outside. The people gathered and smiled and sparkled like crystal. The girls smiled. They could have a chance to save them.

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