Reflective feelings

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"Precure! Pony Up! Cure Magic!" Twilight announced."Come on spike," she went down the dark stairway.
The task on her shoulders was heavy with the fate of the world. She felt worries follow her down with every step. What if she couldn't do it? What if she.. Failed.
She couldn't bear to think of that word. As she made it down to the stairs and reached a door she opened the door with a nervous feeling. After a step or two she found herself in the castle. 
"You have failed as a precure Twilight sparkle." A stern voice of princess celestia said.
   Twilight gasped in shock.
No no, she couldn't have failed. She then saw everything vanish in the dark. "No I couldn't have failed like this. Not for the friends who mean so much to me.." Twilight had tears streaming down.
Then she thought of her friends, the whole reason she was here.
"I'm still here! Which means I can still find the heart!" Twilight yelled.
"Precure! Shinning starburst!"
A burst of sparkles rained down on the illusion revealing a set of stairs to a tower.
"Spike were not failing this mission! Come on!" Twilight yelled, as spike came to her.
"That's a lot of stairs.." Spike said.
Twilight just sparked up her magic and teleported them to the top. The heart stood in the center of the tower room. Twilight rushed to it and grabbed it.
"Let's get them to charge this up so we can save the empire!" Twilight said in triumph.
"Twilight help!!" Spike yelled.
She turned to see a man dressed in black. It was king sombra.
"Give him back!" Twilight yelled dashing at him with a blast.
Sombra levitated her and threw her back into the wall.
Twilight still clutched the heart.
"Give me the heart, and I won't hurt your friend.." Sombra snapped.

The forcefield began to crack like glass. The shadows of the arctic broke away at the barrier. Then it shattered. The shadows began to push through. The citizens scattered in fear as the party crashed. They nodded to each other in unison.
"Precure Pony up!"
"Cure generosity!"
"Cure Honesty"
"Cure laughter!"
"Cure kindness!"
"Cure Loyalty!"
In an instant the transformed. Ready to fight back.

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