A sparkle of hope

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The girls fell on the ground defeated.
"Harmony Precure! Get back up!" Spike yelled. "Your still breathing! You still can do something!"

"Spike..." Twilight muttered.
The only possible thing that could stop sombra. Shattered.
But spike said they could still get back up.
"If the empire is filled with hope and love..."
Celestia's words rang out. Twilight had found hope in realizing what she was fighting for. Her world..
"Girls get up! Now! If you just get up and try! We still stand a chance!" Twilight yelled and shook her friends.
"But our last line of defense.." Rainbow moaned.
"It's us." Twilight said. "We have been fighting to save the people we care about. And we didn't need a silly crystal heart to show it."
The girls began to get up off the ground.
"Now let's go..."
"Harmony Precure!" The girls yelled charging at sombra.
"That again.. Sore losers.." He yelled blasting dark crystal bolts at them.
Fluttershy got her feet stuck.
"I can't move!" She yelled.
Rainbow dash rushed to her, only to be caught too.
"2 down."
"Precure! Diamond darts!" Rarity sent a stream of gems at sombra.
He caught the stream turning it to crystal and rarity ended up with her hands locked. Applejack and pinkie ran to her and got caught in crystal.
Spike went down to the balcony.
"Guys! The harmony precure are fighting for us all! They need your support!" Spike yelled.

"Give up! You have nothing left" Sombra was up against twilight.
"We have the love and support of everyone were fighting for!!" Twilight yelled on top of her lungs.
A glow emitted in the dark. Glowing particles of magic rained down on the crystal people. Shinning and cadence walked onto the balcony and each grabbed one of the mysterious spheres. The rest of the citizens did. They took the form of wand like lights. With a pink base and a crystal light shaped like twilight's star.
"A sparkle miracle light! Everyone let's cheer them on!" Spike yelled. The citizens lit up their miracle lights and began to cheer.
"Precure! Do your best!" The voices filled the air as Twilight glowed.
She grew wings and had a unicorn horn and pony ears.

"Cure Magic! Alicorn Mode!"

She released a burst of energy that swept the darkness out with a new forcefield.
The girls broke free and joined her as she returned to her regular cure form.

The pieces of the crystal heart glowed and pieced back together and started to glow.
Wands with crystal hearts on the end appeared before the girls.
They each pointed their wands at the heart.
"Crystal mode!"
They gained sparkly attributes and glowed as their outfits turned into flowing white dresses with shimmery ribbons in their theme colors. They gained crystallized jewelry and a tiara to top it off.
"It's time for you to be banished for good sombra!" Twilight yelled.
"Precure! Crystal Rainboom!" They raised their wands and pointed them down in unison. A sparkling rainbow of crystal shards rained on sombra sending him far off in the distance vanishing into nothing. He was destroyed.

[MLP] Harmony PreCure: Crystal LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang