chapter 4

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The next morning, before anyone else woke up, Atticus was doing his exercises underwater and where Neptune seem to be up for the same reason.

"What time is it?" Neptune asked as he joined Atticus.

"Almost 8:00." Atticus replied.

"Good just wanted to know." Neptune said before grunting as he joined his nephew in push-ups while having boulders on their backs.

Atticus smirked as he continued to exercise with ease.

"Have you always exercised like this before you met Zeus and Hercules?" Neptune asked curiously.

"Kind of." Atticus shrugged as he now switched to doing his push-ups to hand stand push-ups by doing them with only one finger while having a boulder at the end of his tail fin.

"I haven't seen you since you were a baby." Neptune said.

"Long story about that." Atticus replied as he knew why that was.

"Well, you sure have gotten strong." Neptune said as he added his own weight on top of the boulder Atticus was using.

"Yeah, you could say that..." Atticus said before grunting slightly.

Neptune was impressed with this nephew of his as he wasn't giving up at all even with how much weight was placed on him now.

"Nice try." Atticus replied.

"You remind me so much of me at your age." Neptune chuckled.

"Really? You used to exercise at 8:00 in the morning too at my age?" Atticus grunted.

"Well, not only that," Neptune replied. "But you get the idea. How is Atlantica by the way?"

"It's great, thanks to me and Ariel, music got to no longer be outlawed." Atticus said.

"Oh, really now?" Neptune replied.

"Yeah..." Atticus said. "And don't worry about your crown, we'll have it back soon, I promise."

"I can't go out looking like this... "Neptune stared at his bald spot.

Atticus sighed before he conjured up a brown paper bag that would be water proof.

"Genius!" Neptune beamed.

Atticus hid an eye roll.

Soon enough, Mindy, Cherry, Mo, and Penelope came out from their rooms. And where they each were surprised with how Atticus was exercising while having breakfast.

"Stop showing off." Cherry said to her best friend.

"Oh, let the boy be." Neptune chuckled.

Cherry rolled her eyes slightly.

"We're going to the Krusty Krab soon, Mindy," Neptune told his daughter firmly.

Mindy sighed as she didn't like where this was going. After a while, Atticus got to the carriage with everyone else after getting up from push-ups. The carriage was going to a fast food restaraunt which looked like a giant lobster cage.

"Come along, Atticus," Neptune said once they stopped. "Stay in the coach with your other friends, Mindy, this won't take long."

"Daddy, please, I think you're overreacting." Mindy replied gently.

"Silence, Mindy, I know what I'm doing." Neptune replied.

"Watch out for the sign, Uncle Neptune." Atticus said.

"What sig--" Neptune asked before smacking right into it and getting angry. "Squire!"

"Yes, your highness?" the fish from last night zipped over.

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