¤THREE-If I Reached Out and Touched the Rain¤

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~Vince's POV~
It was odd, seeing Nikki actually respond to Grace. Usually if Nikki was upset or just done with everything he wouldn't talk to anybody, which im sure provoked Tommy to say that Grace like Nikki.

I suppose it didn't bother me all that much. It was just strange.
We had a show tonight and I wasn't sure what we should do with Grace. Would she be fine here by herself? or should she come with us?
Does she even like our music? im mean she doesn't even know who we are.

~Grace's POV~
"When are rehearsals?" Tommy asked.
"In an hour or so." Mick said.

I watched Vince intently. It was obvious he was in deep thought.
"Do you want to come to rehearsals?" Mick asked.
"Rehearsals, do you want to come?"
"Oh, um, it wouldnt be an issue would it?" I asked.
"No its fine." Mick said.
"Okay, I'll come." I answered with a nod.

"Yay!" Tommy yelled out.
This time Mick hit him. Seemed Tommy always got hit.
"Shut up man, Nikki's trying to sleep." Mick said.

"Not anymore." Nikki muttered, walking out, looking significantly better than before.
"Do you feel better Nik?" Vince asked him.

"How long we got?" Nikki asked, running a hand through his hair.
"A little less than an hour now." Mick said.
Nikki nodded and eyed me, then looked at Tommy.
"She took my chair." He said.
"Shouldn't have left." Tommy shrugged.
"I think she wanted me to leave just so she could take my chair." Nikki joked as a smile grew on his face.

"Maybe." I teased.
"Up up up." He said, trying to get me out of the chair.
"Sit on the couch." I argued.
"You are a handful." Nikki said, walking closer and trying to pick me up from the chair. I was latched onto the arm rests and wouldn't give at all.
"C'mon" He groaned.
Tommy helped him and peeled my fingers off, then Nikki finally lifted me and put me on the couch next to Mick.

"Time for rehearsals!" Vince said, jumping up just as Nikki sat down. I laughed at him and skipped out the door right behind Vince.

"jerk." Nikki said to me.
They grabbed their instruments and walked out to their van.

Vince drove, Mick was beside him, and I was squished between Nikki and Tommy in the back.
Tommy was messing with my hair and Nikki was kicking my foot with his own.
I kicked Nikki back on his ankle and he groaned.
"Stop playing footsy." Mick called back to us, and both Nikki and I looked down with red faces.

We got to the studio and we all piled out of the van with instruments in hand.
Nikki kept nudging me with his elbow as we walked in so I ran over to Vince and stuck my tongue out at Nikki.

When we got to the studio, all the boys ran in and set up their gear and instruments.

they started playing and they all kind of went into another world. Vince was very jumpy and flamboyant, Tommy became an amimal behind the drumset, Mick was extremely good at playing that guitar, but Nikki was calm, concentrated, but his green eyes were prone to look my way. It was like he had to warm up to the Bass before he got into it like the other three men had.

Vince began singing a familiar tune, using weird names like 'Rat-Tailed Jimmy' and other things in that category.

But the song was catchy, and my best guess I to the title was 'Dr Feelgood' for they repeated it atleast 10 times.

The song finished and they prepared for another, which I also had never heard, mostly because I stick to my guns, literally, I loved Guns n Roses.

I found the couch and laid out on it, awaiting the end of rehearsals and going to my first Mötley Crüe show.

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