¤TWELVE-Let Me Be Me All Along¤

943 30 18

~Grace's POV~
I jolted awake, and glanced down at Nikki. He was fast asleep.
Alert coursed through my body as another loud boom roared in the sky.

Carefully climbing over Nikki, I left the bunk in just my underwear and the Van Halen shirt that Tommy destroyed.

I checked the rest of the bunks around me, and heard nothing, Everyone must've not hears any of it. Or maybe they weren't as scared of storms as I was.

So I walked through the small tight hall of the bus and made my way into the main area.

"Hey Kitty Cat." I heard Tommy's voice.
My eyes adjusted to the small amount of light that the lamp was producing.
"Cant Sleep?" He wondered.

His dark brown hair wasn't as poofy as normal, and he was only wearing plaid pajama bottoms that were too long for him.

"Not with this storm." I said.
"You afraid of them?" He asked.
I nodded and made my way over to the couch where he was laid out.

"Nikki didnt help?" He questioned.
"He was asleep. Didn't want to bother him." I shrugged.
"Oh Gracie. You have a heart of gold you know that?" He said, moving his legs so I could sit.

I sunk into the ragged cushions ifbthe old couch and leaned into Tommy.
"You really should get some sleep." He urged.
"It wont happen with the storm." I told him.

"C'mon you have to sleep." He tried again.
"It won't happen." I repeated.
Thunder crashed again, and I jumped.

"Gracie, as long as im right here im not gonna let anything get to you. Not even that big bad storm. Its gotta go through me first. And im not about ta let that happen." He said smugly.

He stood from the couch and held put his hand.
"Lets go to bed."
I took his hand and he led me back down the tiny hall and helped me up into his bunk, hoisting me up with his hands on my hips.

He climbed in and we both settled in under the covers.
"Nikki's gonna be pissed when he wakes up and sees us." I mumbled.
"Oh yeah, you can count on that. Dont worry. Ill take the blame." He said, smiling widely.

I nodded and relaxed, throwing my arm over Tommy's bare torso.
"Night Tommy." I whispered.
"Goodnight Grace." He replied, leaning down and kissing me.
My eyes closed at his gentle touch and I fell asleep.


8:56am, Grace's POV

"Hey man what the fuck?" Nikki's voice boomed. I squeezed my eyes shut, hoping any conflict arising would dissolve.

"Huh?" Tommy said in a tired voice.
"Why's she in your bunk?" Nikki asked, not seeming any less pissed off.
"Oh, last night she was scared of the storm and came in to where I was on the couch saying she couldnt sleep." Tommy explained.

Nikki thought for a moment, until he saw Tommy had no shirt on and my arm wrapped around him securely.
"Bullshit." Nikki yelled.

"Get the fuck out." Nikki demanded, Tommy obeyed and slipped out. They walked out together and I turned over, stuffing my face in Tommy's pillow and letting out a groan.

Vince came in and told me we should get up. So i got down, and Vince was clearly shocked about my apparel.
"Jesus man, Tommy and I didnt do anything." I said. remembering the small kiss we shared.

"Okay, well go get changed. ill tell bus driver we're in for breakfast." Vince said, walking away.

I changed into a Quiet Riot shirt and some light blue skinny jeans, finishing it off with black converse.

I walked out and was greeted by yelling and fighting. I saw Vince coming back from where the driver was.
He fast walked over to me, "Driver says breakfasts a go. Lets get pancakes!" Vince said. he was very excited for food. Vince and I sat on the couch and watched the fight unravel.

I glanced over Vince's shoulder to see Nikki glaring at me accusingly.
"Did you kiss Tommy!?" Nikki shouted.
Vince put his arm over me, "Whoa whoa whoa man! calm the fuck down." Vince yelled.

"She did! look at her face!" Nikki said, pointing harshly.

"Get up. We're gonna have a talk." Nikki told me.
I looked around to see everyone looking back at me, most with worried faces.

Uh oh, Tommy time. Do you guys even like this story any more? Who's side are you on? Who do you want Grace to end up with?

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