¤TEN-Without You¤

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~Grace's POV~
As promised, I waited back stage for Slash, and soon a big mass of curly hair approached me.
"Hey Gracie." He started.
"So we're gonna catch up, huh?" I said.
"Thats the plan big sis." He said with his pearly white smile.

"How old are you now?" I asked him.
"23." He said.
"You're 26." He added.
He got it spot on too.
I nodded.
"What music do you listen to now?" He asked me.
"You guys. And Aerosmith." I told him.

"You really listen to us?" He wondered, seemingly unconvinced.
"I really do. I always have." I told him, shrugging my shoulders.

"Thats awesome." He muttered.
"So how'd you end up with the Crüe?" Slash questioned.
"Long story." I said.
"I've got nowhere to be." He told me.

"Okay, ill tell you." I said, giving in.
I took a breath and started.

"4 years ago, I moved here, LA. I wanted to do something with music too. I got a part time job at a bar and spent the rest of my day at a beat up recording studio.
The music didn't work out for me; but I met a new friend, Melody, and we got an apartment together.
I started full time at the bar, this one to be exact. We were fine for 3 years. But this year she brought home strange men, they used all my money for drugs and alcohol. Then a couple weeks ago she kicked me out, and then I lost my job. I was homeless and stayed on the streets. Mötley performed here one night and everyone left except for Vince. Vince found me one night and took me home." I paused looking at Slash.

"So are you and Nikki a thing?" He asked.
"Uh, I don't really know." I said quietly.
"He looks like he likes you alot." He said.
"I think the whole band does. Except Tommy." I said with a soft laugh.
"Oh you poor girl." Slash said.
"Why's that?" I asked.
"Axl wouldn't shut up about you." He chuckled.

"Oh no no no. I'm already in the position to break up Mötley im not about to start a feud between Guns and Mötley." I said.

"Good. Stay away from Axl. Hes no good." Slash said, pulling out a cigarette.
He offered me one, but I declined.

"Im glad Vince found you." He said. "Be careful with Nikki. Hes a rockstar." He added.
"See you around Sis." He said as I stood.
"Im sure you will Saul." I told him as I went to find Nikki.

"Hey Nik." I said as I walked up to him.
He was talking to Axl.
He didn't answer me, but instead put his arm around me.
Axl frowned, but kept talking.
"Ready to go home?" Nikki asked me.
"Okay, why dont you head out to the car, I gotta say bye to the guys." Nikki said. I nodded.
I was shocked when Nikki leaned down and gave me a quick kiss.
I was even more shocked though when Axl lost it and hit Nik.

Duff jumped off the couch and pulled Axl off of Nikki while Nikki just laughed.
"Jealous little prick." He snickered.
"Thanks for the help Duff." I said to the blonde.
He smiled apologetically and nodded.

"Alright then, lets go, shall we?"

Without You (Mötley Crüe)Where stories live. Discover now