¤FIVE-A Sailor Lost at Sea¤

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~Grace's POV~
Everything was a blur. Sirens screamed in the distance, Lights flashed, Vince was almost on tears and Mick held me protectively. I wasn't sure what to do. Tommy said nothing, and did nothing, other than stare at the wall. officials were running through the bus, and the sirens grew closer, mocking me as I stared at Nikki's supposedly lifeless body.

They picked his body up and carried him to an ambulance.
"Only one." Some guy said.
I had no clue what that meant; but the others did. They ushered me towards the ambulance. "What? wh- why do you want me to go?" I asked frantically.
The man in the ambulance was pulling me in by my arm, but I reached out for anyone who was a familiar face.
My palm met Vince's leather jacket, so I grabbed the material and pulled, Vince stumbled towards me and jumped in before anyone could object.

The doors closed and I looked out the back window, watching Tommy and Mick disappear as the ambulance rushed to the closest hospital available.

I refused to look at Nikki, or Nikki's body.
I kept my head turned and looked at Vince instead.
He held my hand comfortingly, which I was grateful for.
I didnt know what I was supposed to feel in this moment.

I hadn't known him well enough to completely break down.
But remembering him teasing me earlier today made it hard to believe he was gone, and a single tear fell.

"He's gonna be okay, by some crazy fucking miracle." Vince said. I wasnt sure that he was confident with that statement though, he was fighting off his own sadness.

"What even happened?" I asked. I still had no clue what caused Nikki's death.
Vince sighed, like he knew this was coming.
He drew a hand down his face and looked at me.
"He, well, we use heroin. He must've overdosed." Vince said, shaking his head.

We pulled up to the hospital and Vince and I got out quickly so they could try and save Nikki's life. We ran in right behind them but were stopped at two doors in the building.
Vince put up a fight, saying wasn't leaving Nikki alone, but I pulled him back.


After five minutes of planning how to sneak into Nikki's room, we executed it.
"You sure?" I asked Vince.
"Its for Nikki, it'll be worth it." Vince said back.
Our plan was simple, Vince plays dead.
"Just hold my neck until I fall, ans for gods sake please dont let me fall and crack my head open." He requested,
"I'll try my best." I said. I didnt want to hurt anyone else. I already felt like Nikki was my fault.

"Lets do it."
I regretfully took Vince's neck in my small hands and pressed down so he lost oxygen to his brain just long enough for him to pass out.
I smiled lightly at him before his eyes shut and his body fell limp. I lowered him to the ground, then ran to the door where Nikki was and banged on it.

"Help! My friend, i-i don't know whats wrong!" I fake sobbed.

Someone opened the door and saw Vince on the ground, calling everyone else to help him.

Once they focused on Vince, I ran into the room; and to my suprise and relief, Nikki was breathing.
"How are you alive?" I asked, simply astonished.
"Adrenaline!" He said, seeming suprised himself.

Then i went to his side and began ripping the chords and tubes off of him.
"Lets get your ass outta here." I muttered, helping him up, grabbing his hand and running out, past the doctors and nurses and out the doors.

"Talk about good timing!" I yelled in pure ecstasy, seeing Mick and Tommy pull up in a firebird.

They looked just as suprised as we did.
"Where's Vince?" Mick asked.
I laughed a little. "Passed out."

My mood changed completely once we got in the car.
I realized that Nikki had in fact been dead, and my emotions overcame me, and I found myself pulling Nikki into a hug.
"I thought you were gone for good." I mumbled.

He rubbed my back, "You can't get rid of me that easy Gracie."

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