¤FOUR-It Just Wouldn't Feel The Same¤

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~Grace's POV~
Show time came and Vince got me a spot in the front row, right at center stage. I was excited. When I worked at the bar, bands would come and perform all the time. But this was my first big show.

The lights in the stadium were dimmed, but me being so close, I clearly saw all four of the boys. They now had make-up, and it looked better than any girls that had it in here.
Nikki had black stripes on his cheeks, as did most of the boys, except Vince, who just had normal make up, I wasn't aware guys could look so pretty.

A few minutes later, lights of many different colors shined down on the boys, making Tommy squint behind the drumset.
Mick's fingers danced expertly over the frets on his guitar, making a delightful sound that pleased the crowd, and Mick himself, by the look on his face.

Vince had an amazing voice, no doubt. He danced around, shooting funny faces my way occasionally.
Nikki was jumping around just like the others -excluding Tommy of course- Which made me smile. He looked glum at the studio.

"Alright, last song! Gracie Lee, this goes out to you! This is Without You!" Vince yelled in the microphone. I instantly felt my face get hot. Tommy glanced at Vince once again from hearing his 'last name'. Nikki snapped his head up in Vince's direction, and then looked down at his bass with a roll of his eyes.

I was confused by his actions but smiled up at Vince just as Mick broke out the opening riff.
Nikki now looked bored, and he lazily played his bass.
Soon enough I was swaying back and forth to the music, the song was melodic and soft, compared to all the other songs I'd heard tonight.
~Vince's POV~
After we sang Without You, We walked backstage, I saw Mick pull Grace up with him and they followed us. When we got back Nikki stormed off.

I looked at Tommy for an answer, but he shook his head.
"Mick whats up with Nikki?" I asked him.
"I don't know man."
"I saw it too, I can try and talk to him." Grace said from behind Micks shoulder.

"I don't know if that's a good idea." I said. When Nikki was the least bit upset he went to his therapy, which the rest of us called heroin.
"I'll go with her." Mick volunteered.
"Alright." I gave in, giving Mick a knowing look.

~Mick's POV~
I led Grace out to the bus where Nikki most likely was, shooting smack up his arm.

"Stay out here, I'll check it out." I told her.
"Why can't I come in?" She argued.
"I don't want you to s- I dont want him to lash out and hurt you." I corrected myself, while I was mentally beating the shit out of myself.

"O-Okay." She said, with a worried look.
"Im coming in after you scope it out." She added.
"Alright, fine. But I tell you when its clear." I said sternly. She only nodded and held her hands together in front of her.

I walked into the bus and checked out the front, seeing nothing. as I ventured into the back I saw the bathroom door was closed, and could clearly smell the heroin in there.

I tried the doorknob but it was locked.
"Nikki open up man." I said, wiggling the knob. I glanced behind me to make sure Grace hadn't followed me in.

"Nikki It's just me, Mick, what's got you pissed off dude?" I asked, lightly knocking on the door.
I didnt even hear a noise.
"Nikki!" I yelled, getting impatient and worried.
"Nikki Fucking Sixx open this door." I shouted, pounding on it.
"Fuck, man. Nikki you got one more chance." I said. I heard something move around, but it wasn't from behind the door.

I looked behind me and saw Grace approaching with a sheepish look.
"Is he okay?" She asked.
"I dont know. He won't open the damn door." I told her. I was getting more and more frustrated by the minute. I sat down on the floor beside the door.
"I can try-"
"No, Grace you don't want to see that shit." I cut her off. She flinched and sat down beside me.

"Im worried." She admitted after a few minutes of silence.
I hated seeing her like this, and hated that she had to see Nikki like this.

I wasnt going to let this girl worry though.
I stood up and made my way to the door again. She watched me with her brown eyes.
"Nikki, you got the girl worried." I tried.
When nothing happened, frustration got the best of me, and the cheap door went down with one kick.

Simultaneously, the rest of the band came in, just in time to pull Grace back so she didnt see Nikki like that.

I didnt even want to see Nikki like that.
"Whats the word?" Tommy asked.
"Not a good one."

Without You (Mötley Crüe)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora