¤SIXX-The World Comes Down on Me

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~Grace's POV~(Next Morning)
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I was eavesdropping from Vinces bunk on the tour bus, that he ever so kindly offered me, But everyone but Tommy- Who was snoring in the bed below Vince's - was out in the main area of the bus, arguing. And their bickering had woken me up.

Had Mick and Vince forgotten that Nikki died yesterday? and now they were fighting with him? Or did Nikki start it...

I sighed and slipped out, careful not to disturb Tommy, who was actualy adorable when he slept.
Maybe he should sleep all the time. I thought.

Walking into the area, Mick's eyes caught mine and softened.
"We woke you up didnt we?" He asked.
"Huh?" both Nikki and Vince said, looking at Mick as though he was riding a unicorn.

I nodded weakly. "Shut up guys we woke her up damnit." Mick said, scolding not only himself but also the other big idiots in the room.

Vince and Nikki now faced me with an apologetic looks.
"Its fine guys, I needed to get up anyway." I shrugged.

Nikki pulled a smirk and I was wondering what he was up to until I felt arms snake around my waist and pick me up, and there was only one perosn that could be.

"Tommy Lee Bass put me down!" I I shouted.
"Nope, we should do something fun today!" Tommy yelled in my ear.
I grumbled and kept trying to get out of his grip.

"Okay, okay, damn, shes fiesty Sixx." Tommy gave in.
Why did he direct that towards Nikki?
"How about swimming?" Vince suggested.
"Gracie doesn't have a swimming suit." Mick pointed out.
"Thats okay." Tommy said, earning an elbow in the ribs.
"Shopping first it is!" Nikki yelled.


Walking past stores, I saw a record shop.
"Guys! we gotta go in there!" I pleaded.
"Ooh she's smart too!" Tommy said, directed at Nikki once more.

We walked into the store and I was quick to come upon Guns n Roses.
"Oooh I take it back now." Tommy said with a fake gag.
"Damn right!" Vince agreed.

"C'mon darling we can do better." Nikki said, putting the Guns record back and pulling me along to other shelves.
Once he found Aerosmith he handed it to me.
"This is the good stuff." He said pointing to the songs.
"Yeah man, we can teach her!" Vince said, patting my back.

"Where'd Mick go?" I asked out of curiosity.
"No clue."

"Lets get this one okay?" Nikki said. I nodded and we bought it, then went to the store across the street and bought me a simple two piece suit.

When we got to the car, Mick was sitting in the back, smiling mischeviously.
We all got in and I sat in back with Mick and Tommy. Tommy had dozed off, and I was pretty close myself, until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
Then he held up the Guns n Roses record I was looking at earlier.
"Oh my gosh, Mick!" I exclaimed, hugging him, gently though, I knew he had a back problem.
"We'll listen to it on the bus. I brought a player." He whispered so Vince wouldn't hear. I smiled and nodded.
Now we were off to go swimming.


After swimming, I insisted that I sat in between Nikki and Tommy because they were really warm, and I was freezing.
Within five minutes of the ride back, Tommy had his head on my shoulder, I had mine on Nikki's and he had his on the window.

"Wake up kids." Vince said with his famous smile.
Tommy groaned and nearly fell out of the car, I followed and Nikki went out on his side.

"Whos Guns N Roses record is this?"

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