Chapter 9: The Last Call...

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Hi guys, so i've had midterms lately, and i also have been having trouble with my math class, and i had to focus on that more than anything, so i havent posted a chapter in forever, but i promise that in this Thanksgiving break im getting starting thursday, i will write as many chapters as i can shooting for 5 but i want more than that! :DD So here is when Blake makes the "final" call e.e ...hmmm....ENJOY!! :D <3MinnyMay<3


                                                             Chapter 9: The News


"Blake!" I heard my uncle as I walked out the room we kept Amelia in...

"Yes sir?" I responded.

"Have you sorted out the Amelia situation yet?" He answered me with another question.

" sir...I did just find Paul in there, and he-" He cut me off...

"Yes yes, well, i know what he did, no problem, only a hostage...about her mother...has she settled with a price yet, a place to meet...?" He said it as if what had just happened dint even matter...

"Well, Paul should not be taking advantage of the situation, we have had this issue many times already, he needs to control his anger...besides it affects the-" He cut me off again..

"Yes, the price..i see...your right, in case this womans mother can't pay the ransom, we have to find a person that might buy her, and with any physical damage done to the girl, the price lowers dramatically...i will have a talk with paul, make sure he knows what the situation is before he goes around having some fun..." How could he even say that, i was meaning to say it was worse enough that she was here with no mercy, and then Paul comes around to do this...wait...SELL HER?! ...

"Sir! We never talked about selling her?? This wasnt part of the plan...we can't just-" Why does he keep cuting me off!!

"LISTEN BOY! This is how it should know by now that if the "mefchandise" isnt returned with our little fee payed off, then we must find another way to make sure we make money out of her...This is hopw its works, how it's always worked...Now! Go on, talk to her dreaded mother once more! Maybe we can finallly persuade her to give us some money for this thing! If not, inform me, and I will PERSONALLY taker care of this!..." His footsteps ecoed to the other extreme of theroom as he walked farther and farther away from me...

It's's always been the same...but im so tired of it..i just want to riun away from everything, start over, forget, and i thought that maybe for once things would be different, but who am i kidding, everything is the same, and it ALWAYS will!!! No matter how hard i try to fix or soothen things dosent make a difference...


Beeep Beeep Beeep

The phone kept ringing...i just listened waiting for the fragile voice to answer...

"Hello..." A scared tone arose from the other end of the line...

"Ms. Bell...It's Blake again...My boss is getting inpasient..." My voice sounded deep and coonish, the voiuce changing machine was the only way the cops would not recognise it, as well as making the calls last less than 2 they could not track my location!

"OH LORD! Please! Have mercy! I need my daugther home! Don't hurt her! This isn't and shouldn't be about her!! Why her why us!? PLEASE! Let her come home again!..."

"I'm afraid i can't do that Ms. Bell! I need the money, or the deal is off!!"

"I can't, i dont have the money, i tried getting a loan from the bank but my credit, i just could not get the money...theres nothing more i can do, except ask for mercy! I beg you!!"

"Sorry Miss, but that isnt helping your daughters situation here..with no money...theres no deal...and well have to find OTHER ways to get hte monewy we need from your daughter...OTHER ways..."


Only sobs were heard on the other side of the call was reaching it's end...i could not just stand here and listen to her cry any was devestating...heartbreak by heartbreak, every sday, one more life RUINNED..ruinned bye me...It urt...this reality hurt! I could no longer take it...i hung up!


~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Call~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Only the sound of a dead line was left to ring on my ear! A DEAD analogy to this situation, this life i was living...

 She could not pay, she wasn' going to pay, and Amelia's hope for escape of this death hole were slim, and all left to do was take her to my involve her eternaly into a life nobody could ever wish...she would be living in the hell that I would not even wish on my own enemy!

GOD DAMET! This can't happen AGAIN! Too many have been through this...this is the LAST straw!!

 I can't let my uncle keep getting away with this, even if it means risking my own skin...risking getting put away to rot for the rest of eternety, as long as he dosent get his fucking way anymore!

I'm tired of all this! 

This has to change! 

...and it will!!


The Kidnapper by MinnyMay is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at

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