cops and robbers (part 1)

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everyone turns their recording software on. they're playing cops and robbers, all of the gang is there. Jerome has finally changed his skin back to normal, but Ty still has his derp face on (he always seems to have that on).

"three, three, THREEEEE," sky says in his usual tone, "HEY GUYS Sky here for another minecraft video, we're here with Deadlox, Jerome, BajanCanadian, SSundee, Setosorcerer, Huskymudkipz, and Minecraftuniverse, and we're doing more, COPS AN' ROBBERS. and it looks like i'm going to be the warden so lets go!" he continues before jumping on a pressure plate, and everything going black.

-Sky's POV-

i wake up on a stone floor, not knowing how i got here or why i was asleep in the first place. i remember starting a cops and robbers video with the guys, and when my minecraft character stepped on the pressure plate everything going black.

i sit up and get a good look at my surroundings. its a stone brick room with a pressure plate and a chest. everything is... blocky. my first thought is minecraft. this is the room you go to to get the warden stuff in cops and robbers! i stand up and hear a slight jingling. i look down and see a round amulet with a purple jewel in it. its the same amulet my minecraft character wears! i lift my hand up and see dark grey gloves. i put my hand to my head and i realise i'm wearing sunglasses. yup, definitely minecraft.

to make sure i'm not dreaming i pinch myself. i feel the pinch, that actually hurt more than it would if i was back home, and i turned red. so i'm in minecraft? what about the others? well if this is cops and robbers then they're probably in the cells if they're here at all. i walk to the chest and open it. sure enough there is a suit of armour, a sword, a bow, a stick, and an arrow. i pick up the armour and it doesn't seem heavy, its the same weight as cardboard. i put it on, and grab the sword, i pick up everything else and it disappears.

i start wondering where it goes when the sword disappears, and the bow reappears in my hand. i think the word 'baton' and the bow is replaced by the stick. creepy but cool.  i walk over to the pressure plate and jump on it, wondering what it looks like in the actual prison.

-Jason's POV (changing POV because i want to write at least a few more of their reactions. also this is before sky steps on the second pressure plate)-

i wake lying on a hard floor. i blink a few extra times because everything i see is slightly yellow -only ever so slightly- but the yellow doesn't go away.

i start to sit up while putting my hand to my head, only for it to get blocked my something. i sit up properly, and take a look around. the first thing that draws my attention is the furry thing in a suit lying next to me. i also see a mirror. i stand up and walk to it, only half surprised with what i see. i see a spaceman, in a blue spacesuit, with a jetpack.

my first thought is 'does the jetpack work?' and my second one is 'wait, why am i in a spacesuit?' i look around again and figure out where i am. this is one of the cells from cops and robbers. my mind strays back to the jetpack, and i press a button on one of the straps, causing me to zoom up and hit my head on the ceiling, making a few chips of stone fall, but not harming the helmet. thankfully. i press the button again and the jetpack turns off, and i fall on the furry guy, waking him up.

"WHY'D YA SIT ON ME??" he yells, he sounds like Jerome. i get off him and help him up. he takes a look at me. "Jason?? why are you in a spacesuit???" he looks at his hand. "AND WHY AM I ALL FURRY??" i facepalm. or at least i sorta do, since the helmet is still in the way.

"we're in minecraft. i think. its the only explanation, although it isn't really logical, it explains why i'm in a spacesuit, and why you're... well.. a bacca." he starts rambling about why its cool to be in minecraft, but i ignore him and walk to the wall and hit it. a tiny crack appears so i keep hitting it and make a hole into the next room. i do it with the next block and climb into the adjacent cell, to see a sleeping Ty and Seto.

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