Death of a King

77 1 4

All is silent. Two armies face each other. One army has soldiers wearing shining silver armour lined with gold, with a diamond in the helmet of the general. The other army has soldiers wearing armour as black as night, with dark crimson details, and a glowing ruby in the helmet of their general.

The black general gives a signal, and the dark army rushes forward, black clashing with silver. Dark clashing with light.

Meanwhile, a king is staring through a stained glass window. His wife and two children stand behind him, asking what the matter is. The king turns towards them, and tells them to run and hide. The children do as he asks, opening a dark wood door and running through the passageway behind. The queen is hesitant. The king kisses her lightly on the forehead, telling her that everything will be okay. The queen smiles lightly, before following the children down the passageway.

A dark armoured knight breaks through a door in the castle and walks into the room, followed by the general. Seeing the king, the general grins and takes out his dark metal sword. The king ignores them, kneeling on the floor and praying for the safety of his family. The general raises his sword, before stabbing down. The evil laugh of the general echoes through the land, causing the silver army to know of the Death of a King.

-- see message board for details on the writing challenge ^_^-

-EDIT: if you want a proper image for the general, here's what i imagine him to look like in the multimedia :P its Blaster Dark from Cardfight Vanguard. if you want to see the white armoured general, its basically gold paladin Blaster Blade.. :P-

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