Night of the Nocturne

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"Okay, well, so, I was on a walk in the forest..."

"I gathered that."

"And I might, have found some weird grey treasure chests...?"


"And because I was curious I opened them, and there were these weird... They looked kinda like Faberge eggs... And I swear I only touched them!"

"What did you do, Skye."

Skye wilted. "There's a few dragons outside now."

"Skye. You know the difference between subjective and objective, right? 'Some rabbits' is the former, 'three rabbits' is the latter, and much more accurate. So I'm going to need you to be very clear when you say there are 'a few' dragons outside."

Skye looked like she wanted to hide in her shirt. "About seven, I think."

Clark pinched the bridge of his nose. "There are seven dragons outside. Okay."

There was a strange, childish whining noise from the doorway, and Skye and Clark turned to look just in time to see the door swing open and a tiny dragon fall on its stomach.

- - - - - - - - - - -

Clark looked over the breakfast table in bemusement at his best friend making faces at a pair of baby dragons, who looked like they were doing their best to copy the faces.

One of the other hatchlings was eating cheerios out of a bowl. Three of them were asleep on the sofa in the other room. And one of them was sitting on the table near Clark, also staring at Skye but occasionally glancing back at Clark.

Skye insisted on looking after the things for a while, even though the fact that there were dragons probably required a call to the RSPCA, or whatever deals with the care of endangered animals. Dragons were clearly so endangered that there was no proof that they existed until just now.

...Although, Clark could see why she was behaving this way. These things were cute. The way they tried to walk with their wings but flopped on their stomachs was adorable, if concerning. Were they supposed to be able to now, or was it the equivalent of baby walking and they were going to be able to do it in a few months?

For that matter, how fast would these things age?

Clark really needed to call an animal care place, or something. Maybe the ZSL...

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