is being different a crime?

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The wind roars as i pull the ragged black cloak to cover more of my body. I have been on the run for months, and everyone i meet calls me a monster, a freak.. They're right, of course. I'm a freak of nature that doesn't deserve to live. I'm a monster in a human's shell. I push my void black mask further over my face as it slips down.

All of a sudden, I feel heat from behind me. My vibrant purple eyes widen as I whirl around to meet a crowd of angry villagers holding torches. They all blame me for everything bad that happens to the village, even small fires. I wince as the nearest one grabs my arm and pulls me to the ground, signalling to someone. I squeeze my eyes shut while one of them ties my hands and feet together. I feel myself being lifted off the ground and i open my eyes a crack, only to see what i expected. I am being carried to be burned at the stake.

As they tie ropes around me, holding me to the large wooden pole, i concentrate. Pulling in every last ounce of energy out of the air, and storing it. The villagers light the flame and i wait for it to reach my feet before pushing half of the stored energy into it, expanding it to cover me, and using the rest to teleport in a burst of purple particles. The villagers will likely assume that they're ashes.

When i open my eyes I'm floating in the blackness of the void, my restraints gone. This is what happens every time i teleport so i let myself relax as my body fades and I reappear in a grassy green field, miles away from the village. Behind me is a forest, and i run to it, wanting to get out of the rain. Noting the dimming light, i climb a tree and settle myself in the branches, settling myself for yet another uncomfortable night's sleep..


tell me if you want this to be continued!

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