my life story (by Bidabel)

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I was born in a hospital on the planet Krypton and soon after birth the sun blew up and I was shot into Earth's atmosphere and was found by two clueless countrypeople. My powers went un-used until the age of 12 when I got onto stardoll and used my powers to help people hwo had their accounts hacked. Unfortunately, I was taken over by the dark side and I started hacking people randomly. Then, my parents died and I became a vigilante and dressed up as a bat. Deludedly, I kept on trying to make a sad clown happy. Eventually, I decided that was hopeless and dressed up as a dwarf and started digging holes and eating jaffas.

Eventually, a lost spaceman found me and we started up a corporation called Honeydew inc. and started producing jaffa cakes by the million.

As I was getting bored, I decided to spice things up a bit by placing TNT under the spaceman's bed and blew us all up. When our friend found our tattered remains, she tutted and walked off. Then she turned into wonderwoman and saved our other friends from a hitman dinosaur with a bow.


my sister wrote that. on my stardoll message board.

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