The King is OP

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Sky, Deadlox, and Bashur were in Sky's wooden house. They were waiting for some guests they had invited, and talking while waiting.

At the same time, climbing up the ladder to the house, were two other players. A chicken person and a penguin person, one in white and gold armour, and one in dark purple and black armour. They each had a giant red and black sword hung on their back. The penguin person reached the top of the ladder and poked his head past the open trapdoor, quickly spotting Sky, Deadlox and Bashur in a room through a hallway. He heaved himself up off the ladder, letting his friend climb up too. The two walked up to the group.

"Uh, so, we got a letter from one of you saying that you needed some advice?" The penguin said. Sky stood up.

"I guess you're the guys we kept getting spammed with comments asking to ask you about something. Cody and Joe, right?" Sky asked. The two nodded, and Sky continued. "Well, Bash found a spawner, and we don't know what it is, and we want to know what it is..." He finished. Cody and Joe looked at each other with a 'oh god' look.

"Can we see it? And for the love of god don't place it, it could be Mobzilla or something." Joe said. Bashur stood up and held out a spawn cage, with a tiny, three headed, white and gold dragon spinning around in it. Joe had to cover his mouth to stop himself laughing, and Cody sighed.

"Let me guess; You found it on top of a giant emerald and gold tree." Sky nodded and Joe burst out laughing. Cody just sighed again. "Come outside for a minute, me and Joe need to show you something." He said, walking towards the ladder. Joe went after him and Sky, Deadlox and Bashur followed after.

When they were all on the ground, Joe absent because he had walked off saying 'he had to get something', Cody started talking again. "You might want to brace yourself." He said, before he started morphing. Sky, Bashur and Deadlox watched as the Penguin morphed into a dragon, bigger than the Enderdragon itself. Silvery pale scales, wings like paper, and three heads, each with different colour eyes. Dragon Cody shook his heads, and the middle head started talking, in his normal voice.

"Whoa, I forgot how weird this was." He said. Sky, Deadlox and Bashur were gaping at him, and Cody was trying to get used to seeing with three pairs of eyes, so none of them noticed Joe coming back with a tiny baby dragon, very similar looking to Cody.

"Sorry I just had to get Pr- Oh wow I forgot how big that was." He said, backing up a step when he saw Cody, who turned one of his heads towards him.

"Hi again Joe." Cody said. His middle head turned towards the (still gaping) trio. "Don't use that spawner until you have a couple of sets of Mobzilla armour, a big bertha each, and a nuke. Just warning you. The King is the most overpowered mob in the world. The drops are cool though."

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