Chapter 9

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"Get this girl to the infirmary. And someone call tony. Wade you don't need to leave, but you'd better not make me regret this." Fury walked away, S.H.I.E.L.D agents took (y/n) to the infirmary where Tony stark had been called to. I followed closely behind the in a flash I found my chest riddled with darts and S.H.I.E.L.D agents took me down.


~~~~2 Days left~~~~~~~

"Director!" The man stood to attention "The convict known as Deadpool has been restrained and put into appropriate restraints. We have placed him In the high-security prison cell, ready for transport."

"Good work agent. I want full Lock down that entire floor, I want triple security on all floors even relatively close to his cell, or this mystery women that he brought in. I want this ship on red alert, if a fly so much as lands on the deck I want to know." He spoke loudly his voice deep and serious.

"Yes sir!" The agents spread out and began working on their given task.

Fury approached the med bay, a permanent glare stuck on his face. Director Fury was a very serious man, even his standing position looked ready for battle. He never dropped his guard, and always had his hands inches from his weapons. He walked very stiffly, from one glance you could tell he had years of training drilled into him, by now it came naturally to him.

"Stark!" He yelled savagely at the young genius.

"Yeah, what's up eye patch?" Tony stood at the side of a clear scanning table, where (y/n) laid flat. He tapped the floating screens and pulled them into the air expanding them and analyzing each layer from the scans. He faced away from the commanding officer, empty coffee cups decorated his work space. Projected tabs pinned acrossed the rooms air, he took a calm sip of coffee, his eyes dashed across the lit screens, he read each word carefully taking it in and then opening another tab, sliding his fingers in the air. Tony already had bags under his eyes and his hair defied all laws of gravity.

"I thought I specifically told you to stay away from this."

"I was called on personally, whats a guy supposed to do?" He shrugged and turned to face fury, leaning comically against the table.

"We can discuss your means later, what's the diagnosis?"

"It appears it's some kind of chemical withdrawals, other than that I have no idea. She hasn't woke up, all I have to go off of is the strange numbered branding left shoulder." Tony pulled a close up photo of the branding, and watched a face of concern wash over fury's face "So you recognize the symbol?"

"Can you treat her?"

"Dodging questions? That's not like you." Tony poked at him then straightened himself " but yes I have something, It's not a fix but it will buy time. But I must warn you, this could be dangerous." Fury looked at the serious stark and paused.

Taking in a deep breath he resumed and strictly said "Do it. I will personally inform Wade of her situation." Fury took one last look at the comatose woman laying on the table, he swallowed shallowly and left the room.

"Alright lady, let's get to work." Tony looked at the limp, scarred girl. He jumped back into his work scrambling through his notes.

The sound of each step he took carried down the long glossy hall. The wax coating glimmered in the lighting and the whirling of air supply vents groaned. Fury came near Wade's cell, where he found the mercenary chained with triple lock cuffs on his hands and feet holding him up in an standing X shaped form. He was brutally strapped down and had motion sensors placed carefully on him. His suit was tattered from his recent scuffles with Spiderman and S.H.I.E.L.D units. His expression was bitter, and didn't sit with Fury right.

"Your friend is alive, for now." Fury coldly tossed the information at Wade. Though Wade hadn't asked, that question was burning in this brain. Fury could see the relief spread on his face upon hearing the news. "We are giving her an experimental drug, to try to buy us time to make her a permanent fix." Wade clearly got mad at the word 'experimental' but Fury didn't give him time to voice his allegations "this could either save her or kill her, now I need all the information you have on her. That is if you want her to live."

"If you ease up on the restraints I can fetch you a USB I got, it has all the target info I got." Furys eyes narrowed at him "Please ill be good~" He teased the menacing man. Reluctantly the director opened the cell and gestured to his pockets. Fury took his utility belt.

"Wow, Nick this is kinky even for you" Wade joked and winked. Fury remained quietly and opened the belts pocket pouring out all of the inconsistent items. Eventually he found the flash drive and left Wade cell without another word, taking wade's belt with him.

"Awe Someones grumpy." Wade pouted.

~Back to Reader-chan's POV~

You drifted into consciousness. And then back out. The world was a blur, and random images seemed to float aimlessly around in the pool of your thoughts, as though they were being blown about viciously by a hurricane. A tap on your shoulder momentarily brought you back to the outside world, but after a second you were once again lost. You felt somebody trying to look at you, staring at you dead in the eye, but you couldn't keep focus. The whole world simply felt low resolution, a bad quality movie. Confusion blossomed in your heart and you knew that sooner or later you would have to wake up. To stare reality in the face. But for now you laid, and retreated into wallowing blackness.


You were lost in pitch black. You couldn't see, every movement felt like you were trudging through black tar. Your eyelids felt heavy and your pupils began to burn. Your eyes were forced shut by the growing weight and you drifted in the void.

"Damnit! Wake up!"

It was a distant unrecognized voice. This voice continued to echo throughout the depths of the empty pit. You felt numb. 'Wake up?' your mind pondered, 'wake up from what' It was more than difficult to recall. You concentrated on remembered and eventually, though I was a fuzzy, barley glimmer of a memory, it was only his voice. You struggled to remember, and slowly you began catching pieces every here and there, only snapshots of your life. But that was enough, that was enough to convince you. You doubted this at first but now you came to realize that this pit, if you stayed would be the end for you. Forcing your eyes open, with standing the pain, You reached out to grasp reality.

After minutes Tony gave up hope. His serum failed and it was over. He spilt his coffee in a frenzy and the mug shattered upon hitting the floor. Out of frustration he threw everything off the top of his desk, he cursed himself. He sat morning the loss of his patient in a nearby office chair, his fingers circled his temples wondering where he went wrong.

Amidst his contemplating all vitals on his patient's chart jumped as the empty body jolted up with life. Your breathing was raspy and you fought to catch each and every breath. You saw the young scientist bounce into action, placing an air tank beside you and calling in extra assistants. They all circled around you and instantly knew what to do. Like clockwork they maneuvered around each other hooking up tubes and wires, leading to different machines.

Were you back from the dead?

Authors note:

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, expect more in the on-coming days :)

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