The Day we Met

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It was on a similar night when I first met him and it wasn't as people say 'Love at first sight' bullshit. However there was this undeniable 'something' between us.

It was David's birthday, 25th june2011,to be exact. He was turning 24 and was very ecstatic about it, hence he ended up throwing a big party at his place. Now, David is my big time buddy. I got no clue how we ended up being best friends but I guess it was the maths project in school that did wonders for us.

He was the most flirtatious guy in our school. Literally, he could even flirt with a piece of wood if you'll attach female genitalia to it. That was his image in school. So when he proposed I gracefully denied. Thereafter the only alliance between us were those cold stares.

Then entered the maths project, where I was paired up with him. And that's how our perennial bond kick-started ..yeah you are right just like that. With passing time we became thick friends.But don't get me wrong, we shared a pure platonic relationship.

We passed school, graduated from different colleges but still distance couldn't keep us apart. We remained best friends. Therefore here I am at his home, ditching my workplace at an early hour,so that I could be the first one to reach his abode and wish him.
However it's better said then done. I found a huge crowd in his house grooving to some tune,boozing and I don't know what else as I stepped inside his apartment. I cringed within, nevertheless i took my baby steps . Large group of strange faces freaks me out. After some hasty pleasantries and an unknown amount of hugs later I crept my way through the crowd and sneaked out to the terrace unaccompanied.
Reaching the roof I left a long breath unaware I was holding it for so long. Leaning onto the railings I thought what made David to invite so many people. Now, it's not as if he isn't socially active. In fact he is everyone's apple of the eye despite his playboy image. But then organising such an extensive party on his birthday was unlike David. There got to be some reason. I made a mental note to question him about this the moment I meet him.

'Is it just me or you too feel the night is more interesting then the party?' I heard a cool voice beside me.

I looked around to see a figure in dark. It stepped into light and that's when I saw him for the first time.

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