A Mediator Friend

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Before any of you pass any sort of judgements on me let me apologize. That's what I was doing from the past one week. And to whom? That's up to you to decide. Yes. It's David. After my repeated request for forgiveness and ample of bribing later he finally relented.

We decided to meet at our popular hangout place 'The Rendezvous '. It was where we fought and where we made up. It carried with it our long history. Each and every corner would have some story about us to share.

I reached fifteen minutes before the scheduled time. Primarily because I didn't wanted to give him another reason to sulk. Secondly I had this 'worm of punctuality ' as David calls it, instilled in me.

I chose our favorite place, near a small fountain overlooking a spacious terrace garden. After I got seated, a menu card was handed to me by the staff. It was Sangeeta. She was the most senior and politest staff in the restaurant. She was in her mid 40's. But her impeccable make up did a lot of concealing besides the unwanted marks.

'So is it making up or another ugly sweet brawl?' she smiled.
I smiled at how she used both ugly and sweet, opposite adjectives in a single sentence to explain our fight.

'The ugly and sweet part will be missing today Sangeetaji. It's pure love today ' I chuckled.

She gave a hearty smile and after assuring that she was a call away excused herself. I was left alone with my thoughts

This week had been hectic for me both physically and mentally. My mind was preoccupied with David, my abrupt exit from the party and sometimes it lingered on Zakhir. Now who I'm kidding? Yes most of my brain cells screamed his name so aloud that my stomach receives the wrong message and the so called parts of my intestine just disappears. If this is called butterflies in the stomach then I assume I might have swallowed millions of them.

I know I might sound crazy. It was just one meeting. Right? No big deal. But trust me this was first time for me too.

This doesn't happen to a lot of people, but I know, somewhere down the line there should be someone, whose physiognomy just refuses to fade away from your memory. Sometimes just a single rendezvous with a person makes a huge impact in your life.
It's funny to discern how a person with whom you've spent only vague moments of your life can transform you, while another person with whom you share timeless bond cease to make an aftermath.

Just as I was absorbed in these thoughts David took a seat directly opposite facing me. I gave him my cutest smile. It always works for us. My smile was a blessing in disguise. It rushed to my aid in such situations. My smile melted his most raging anger in seconds. I don't know the exact pathophysiology of this but it did and that was enough for me.
He glared at me in the most outrageous way. I stretched my hand to hold his in response,but he withdrew it.
I pouted and looked away to show that I was hurt. I eyed him from the corner of my eyes to check if he was making any move. He caught me checking him. I gave him an apologetic look. He narrowed his eyes.
It's time to end our telepathic communication.

' I'm sorry David ' I moaned.

'Sorry sorry sorry sorry ' I repeated.

' Only on one condition ' he snorted.

'Agreed. Whatever it takes '

' This bill is on your account ' pointing to the menu card placed on the table.

I smiled and gladly nodded.

After ordering more then half the list of food in the menu and munching into less then one fourth of it, David's fury simmered down. Whereas my brain was running like a super fast express, calculating the final bill I'll have to pay in order to leave this place with my whole body intact.

'Sowh howdhv youu frynd xakgjvr' blurted David with food in his mouth

'Excuse me?'

David chewed onto his sizzler ,then swallowed it. The expression on his face manifested how much he savoured its taste.

'Sorry, what I said was how's Zakhir?'

'He's is your friend. So you must be aware of his well being. Right? Why ask me?' I replied suddenly waking up my conscious. I didn't wanted to give him a slightest hint that how completely knocked down I was by his friend.

He lifted his head from his food filled plate, then resumed his concentration on binging before giving me a brief look.

'Then leave it' he murmured.

'Leave what?' I snorted.


'Mr. David Daniel are you really trying to mess up with me? What is it that you are hiding?'

He placed the fork and spoon on his plate. Took the tissue paper and wiped his lips meticulously. Then dumped it on the table. My patience was running out.

'David' I glared at him.

'So you are interested?' sarcasm laced his tone.

'Could you elaborate please?'

'See, Zakhir had this opinion that you might have fled the party because of him. He thought he bothered you a lot and he asked me to tell you that all said and done that day was in a good humour. He never intended to hurt you.'

I swallowed my words. I was dumbstruck. I didn't know how to handle this neither I knew what to say. I kept fiddling with my phone scared to meet his eyes. David knew me well. Very well. He could open those windows of my mind which remain shut for others.

'So it's true then?' he asked in a serious tone.
I still didn't look at him


'David I want to meet him' I heard myself saying.

A Bruise On My Soul #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now