A walk to remember

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We both tread back in silence. Our former debate over religion and it's regard for room rent were ringing in my ears.

I had never thought that these days people were so shallow. On one side our country is boasting about unity in diversity, and on the other hand these very people are not even renting their home to a man in need, only because he's a muslim. But why?

'Why?' I spoke aloud.
Zakhir looked at me stopping on his track and quirked his eyebrow.

'I mean why this discrimination towards you people. I'm not getting this' I cried all confused.

'Really?? Out of all people you are asking me this!!. I assume you are a journalist Aaradhya, and you should be better aware of such nuisances in our so called 'secular' society'

I opened my mouth to respond then thought against it and muted.

'See Aaradhya, the point is we Muslims are branded as terrorist, irrespective of who we are and what we do. Comments and the stares that we garner from people on declaring our names testify that they inhabit a certain level of endangerment towards us. And for this to eradicate, it would take a change in mindset of the society' he cried.

I absorbed all this in my tiny winy brain. Yes I knew how Muslims were looked down by others, however they being denied their basic necessities just on the anticipation that they could be a terrorist or part of the group was ridiculous. I felt sad for him. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye. He was walking unperturbed as if he was taking a stroll after a long day at work. How could he be so calm, I thought. He just have been stamped as a terrorist albeit not directly but obliquely.

We took an auto to reach my place. We didn't exchange any sort of têtê-a-têtê throughout our way back. Silence between us was making me shift uncomfortably on the seat. Occasionally when I peeked at him through the rear mirror of the auto, I'll find him staring at me. Besides this, no correspondence was initiated by any of us.

Once we reached, I invited him to come over at my place to meet my parents but he refused. I could feel as if he was distancing himself from me. I didn't insist much even though I was upset. He was turning to leave after thanking me for accompanying him. He turned his back and started to depart. His hands in his pockets, he took his steps meticulously as if musing over something. I couldn't see his features but I felt as if he wanted to say something or wanted me to speak to him, either way I didn't understand.

'Ah Zakhir, where are you staying for the time being?' I called out loud enough to reach him.
He instantly turned and looked up at me, his eyes brightening up as if he was waiting for me to speak up.

'There's this boys hostel nearby. Though it's kind of gross but I guess I'm not left with much options'.

' Where are your parents?'

' They died. I'm forlorn. Long story cut short' he said nonchalantly.

My heart went out for him. All melancholic emotions came rushing through me. I knew even though he said it indifferently, this fact must be killing him from within. I wanted to apprehend the whole story about him, however I had to cut down on my intriguing thoughts so that I won't make him uncomfortable. I shifted my stance and started fumbling with my phone, trying hard to find the right words in response to those revelation.

'Sorry' I whispered. That's all I could muster myself to say. I was never capable of finding the opportune words in these circumstances.

'Its ok Pari. It was long time back' he shrugged and stepped a little closer

So back to Pari, huh?..My heart was wobbling internally. I had never conceptualized that a name, just a name had so much potential to turn me wild and cause my heart to do all sort of silly things.

His penetrating gaze was staring back at me as if reading my mind. A grin playing on his lips.

'Can you be of any assistance in finding me a roof over my head?' he muttered, drifting more closer to me.

I gulped. Act fast and say something Aaradhya before he closes the distance between us, I thought and mentally slapped myself.
We were in front of my home, my colony under a dimly lit street light. People could see us and above all my folks could have caught me kissi.. What?..Am i out of my mind. What the hell was I thinking. My hands started perspiring. 'Think straight and answer him' I scolded myself.

'Hmm..yeah, yeah sure. Just text me whenever you need my help' I choked.

'Ok ' he responded cheerfully. He smiled unveiling his dimples that made my heart flutter. Post the distressing event that transpired between Mr.Sharma and him, he looked bemused throughout the evening. Now the smile adhering his face appeased me to no extent.

'Now you get back to your family before it's too late' he said looking at his watch. His sudden change of topic dampened my spirit.
I nodded and turned towards the large gate leading towards my house. The gate creaked while I pushed it open. After slipping in, as I was closing the door behind me, it strikes me.

Quickly I popped my head out betwixt the doors. My eyes searching for his eagerly. He stood rooted at the same place where I left him. His eyebrows quirked up as he saw me.

'But you don't have my number?' I questioned.

' Retrieving someone's number is not hard these days especially if the "someone" in question is a beautiful girl' he chuckled.

I blushed at his compliment. I tried to disguise my blushing face with anyother expression that I could think of, but to no avail. Nothing was in my control.

'Aaradhya' he called out.

I looked at him expectantly.


'Good night'

'Good night'

With that he disappeared into the night.

Hello readers!! I hope you like the story till now. I know it's quite slow. But trust me if I wont carry it in this pace, this story will lose its real identity. And I want everyone of you to be patient and be with me and support me. I also am not much of a fan of silent readers. I put a lot of effort to write this and I'll really appreciate if readers too would comment and give there opinion regarding this piece of story. I'm looking forward to your valuable criticism if any. And pls dnt forget to vote and comment.

A Bruise On My Soul #wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now