Chapter 3

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Phil had had a genius plan to help him get the slightest bit more sleep. He was going to set an alarm for midnight so he could at least get a couple of hours of sleep before his midnight adventures. That was why his pillow started to blare out a Muse song, immediately waking Phil up from his peaceful slumber. He turned the alarm off and was met with a lovely silence.

He was really hoping that Dan would be at the hill that night so they could talk again. Phil wanted to speak to him about what Louise had told him to find out whether that was true or not and, if it was, why on earth was he talking to Phil.. out of everyone. He silently pulled his trainers on and tied his laces before jumping up onto his feet. He grabbed his jacket and pulled it over his shoulders before heading downstairs.

He quietly unlocked the door and slipped out into the street. He made sure to lock the door behind him before wandering down the street in his own little world. He reached the hill and began to climb up it until he reached the top.

Sure enough, Dan was lying there, his gaze fixed on the starry sky. "Hey Dan." Phil mumbled, dropping down to sit next to his friend. "I need to speak to you."

"Do you?" Dan responded, obviously not paying that much attention.

"I met a girl yesterday called Louise. She told me that you don't talk to many people.. so why do you talk to me?" Dan pretended not to hear as he didn't tear his eyes away from the night sky.

"I'm going to go home." He just mumbled, standing up and brushing himself clean of any dirt. He then walked down the hill, leaving Phil in awe.


"Dan, honey can you please get out of bed? Your father and I are really worried." Dan's mum murmured, staring worriedly at her son.

"I don't want to get out of bed, I'm tired." Dan murmured, rolling over so that he didn't have to see his mum's worried face.

"Dan.. are you okay?"

"I'm tired and I just told you that so leave me alone."

"We're worried."

"About what? I'm not going to flip out and almost kill someone again, that's a promise."

"Daniel." His mum's voice was getter harsher which Dan was kind of afraid of. He strongly disliked shouting and sometimes it made him flip: he just really hated loudness.

"Fine. I'm getting up." Dan practically threw the covers off of him and stood up, proving a point to his mum. "Now you can leave because I'm up."

"Do you want to see your therapist again?" The question loomed in the air for a moment as Dan's stomach twisted. He stayed silent, his eyes filling with angry tears until his mum placed a soft hand on his shoulder. "Honestly, do you?"

"Maybe I should." Dan's voice wasn't very audible but he knew his mum had heard when he saw her soft smile.


"Hey Louise!" Phil chirped, practically jumping up and down in joy.

"Hi, how have you been?" Louise responded, smiling brightly at Phil's adorable excitement.

"Good, you?"


"I met Dan yesterday and I told him what you said. I asked him why he spoke to me and then he just stormed off." Phil's joy faded as the topic of his friend was raised. He wasn't sure what to do about Dan- he was intrigued with him and didn't just want to let him go that easily. They needed to talk really badly but, at this rate, that wasn't going to happen.

"You probably shouldn't have done that."

"I gathered that!" Phil groaned, pressing his hands against his face in annoyance. "I'm sure he'll never want to talk to me again after that."

"Next time, don't directly confront someone like that."

"Noted. What should I do now?"


"Now that he won't talk to me?"

"Talk to him. Perhaps at an appropriate time though."

"Do you know where Dan lives? Where he likes to go?"

"Of course I don't! I think you should wait until school. When are you joining?"

"Tomorrow's my first day actually. I can't wait!" Louise snorted. She thought the idea of Phil enjoying school was completely preposterous: what seventeen year old boy in the right mind, liked school? "What?"

"You enjoy school?"

"No," Louise let out a sigh of relief. "I just can't wait to meet new friends."

"You're adorable."


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