Chapter 5

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"Are you okay?" Phil's mum asked as Phil walked into the house, his shoulders slumped. He just sighed instead of responding, too emotionally drained to make up a response. "Did something happen?" Phil nodded, tears filling his eyes. His mum noticed. "What happened?"

"Someone was just rude to me. I don't want to talk about it." Phil's mum was about to respond but Martyn walked into the room, smiling widely.

"How'd your day go, little brother?" He asked, his smiling dropping as he saw Phil's frown.

"Alright.." Martyn looked a little sceptical but didn't push it.

"What's for dinner?" Martyn asked instead and Phil was grateful that the subject was off of him.

"Well, I think we should order pizza. You know, to congratulate Phil from surviving his first day at school."

"I survived my first day of college too though."

"Exactly. We all deserve pizza! But we have to wait until your father is home."

"But I'm hungry!"

"Martyn, sometimes you sound like you're five, not eighteen." Phil smiled slightly before pushing passed his brother and walking upstairs to his bedroom. He laid down on his bed and groaned loudly. He was exhausted.

Phil decided that he had enough time between then and when his dad got home to have a nap.


Martyn pushed open the door to his brother's bedroom to find Phil laying on his bed, asleep. He was about to leave but he stopped when he noticed Phil's face of distress. He had deep black lines under his eyes and Martyn couldn't help but worry.

He backed out of the room and headed downstairs to where his parents were with the pizza. "Mum..." He said and his mum could immediately tell something was wrong because he wasn't smiling. Usually, at the sight of pizza, he would be grinning like a child would. "I don't think Phil's okay."

"Why not?" His mum responded, frowning slightly.

"He's exhausted and we both know he sneaks out in the middle of the night. When I went to get him just now, he was asleep on his bed. He was knocked out. There's something going on."

"Leave him for now. We'll see if things get worse.. Come on, have some pizza." Martyn sighed but sat down anyway.


Phil woke up to a dark room. He rubbed his eyes before realising that he felt fully rested. It felt so relieving compared to the exhaustion he was feeling before. He switched on his phone to find that it was almost midnight. He had slept for that long?

He pulled himself out of bed and walked silently downstairs. He wandered into kitchen as quietly as possible: his stomach was rumbling so loudly that he was surprised the whole house hadn't woken up. He flicked the light on and immediately noticed a slip of paper on the table.

Phil, if you wake up in the night and are hungry, there's pizza in the fridge.

Mum and dad.

Phil grinned to himself and opened the fridge. He took the plate out and the sight of the pizza made his stomach rumble even louder. He took a couple of slices before putting the plate back and closing the door. He was planning to walk down to the hill to see if Dan was there again.

He took a bite of his pizza and opened the front door. He closed it behind him.


Phil had just about finished his pizza when he reached the hill. He wandered to the top and, sure enough, there was a boy lying at the top. "Dan!" Phil gasped, literally running forward. He dropped down to the floor beside Dan, smiling as he did so. "I'm sorry." Phil mumbled, lying down and looking up at the sky.

"Why?" Dan responded in a monotone.

"I shouldn't have said what I said. Can we please be friends?"

"You were just curious.. it's okay. We can be friends if you want."

"You aren't annoyed at me?"

"Of course not. I'm not stupid. You can ask me whatever you want to ask."

"Okay then.. if it isn't too rude, why weren't you in school today?"

"Issues at home."

"Oh." They both silenced for a moment as they embraced the stars' beauty. "Will you be in school tomorrow? I'd love to hang out with you somewhere which isn't here at midnight."

"Maybe and please, don't hang out with me at school."


"I'm a loser."

"I'm a loser too.. According to Chris." Phil had muttered the last part about Chris but Dan must have heard it because of how loudly he gasped.

"Chris? Oh no."


"Don't talk to him."

"It's not like I wanted to!"

"He's an idiot. Stay clear of him otherwise he'll hurt you."

"Bit too late for that."

"Did he hurt you?" Dan's voice was soft and suddenly he was sitting up and looking at Phil.

"Not really. He just shoved me a couple of times and said a few things."

"Can I hug you?" Phil sat up and nodded slightly. Dan then leant forward and wrapped his arms around Phil. Hugging when they were both sitting down was really awkward but neither really minded too much: it was just nice.. Dan's hug was warm and protective- it made Phil feel at home. "Don't let what he says get to you."

"I won't.. it's just harsh."

"I know exactly how it feels. He hates me."

"Can we hang out tomorrow? You know, because we're both losers."

"I don't know..."

"Louise will be with us but don't worry: she's really lovely. You'll love her."

"I probably shouldn't hang out with you then. I don't want to cause unwanted attention."

"Why would you?"

"I am known to be a loner... People will notice if I hang out with someone. I don't want them to target you too."

"Dan.. I don't mind. I really like you. I want to hang out with you. I'm sure Louise does too."

"Maybe then."


"Phil, I think you need to start going to bed earlier." Phil's mum said as soon as Phil was downstairs. The lines under his eyes were getting darker and more prominent.

"I'm not even that tired." Phil muttered but as soon as he finished his sentence, he let out a large yawn.

"Don't lie. Is something going on? Is there a reason why you go out at midnight most nights?"

"No and no. I have to go now."

"Wait, Phil-" But Phil had gone.

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