Chapter 1 A Close Call

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"Come on Lucy, stay with us."

*Beep Beep*

"She's stable for now.. lets keep a close eye on her.."

Lucy's POV

I opened my eyes only to be blinded by the bright lights reflecting off the walls of the white room. I snapped my eyes shut again. 'Where am I?' I tried to move my hands to cover my face with the sheets on top of me, only to be met with intense pain.


"Come Princess we have to get you to school its the last day." I sighed as i climbed into the passenger seat of our car. "Exactly Virgo, its the last day it's not like im going to miss anything."
"Sorry Princess but your father insists that you get a good education. That means going to the last day of school."
I slouched and started to pout as we made our way down the long curvy driveway. Virgo looked at me and smiled. "Lets make a deal, you go to school and when I pick you up we stop at the icecream place down the road, they have new icecream flavour. Its starfruit icecream! Thats combining some of your favourite things. Stars and icecream!" She squealed a little.
I rolled my eyes and giggled at her childishness. "Ok fine.." I smiled at her.
We were pulling out of the drive way on our way to Sabertooth Academy when out of nowhere we got hit by a car. Then everything went blank.

End of flashback~

I slowly opened my eyes as the intense light started to burn them. I blinked a couple times before looking around. Surrounding me were the maids and servents of the Heartfillia mansion. They were like my family. I noticed my father wasn't there. 'Of course he isn't here. Since my mother died he's ignored me.' I noticed them all sleeping around my bed and room. I reached out to Lokes hand which was resting on the edge of the bed.
"L-Loke?" I said touching his hand.
He squeezed mine in response. "LUCY! Thank god your okay." A tear fell from his face as the others began to wake up. They smiled tears forming in their eyes. I even saw Aquarius tear up a little. I smiled back at them all.
"Aries? Go get the nurse please." Loke whispered to her. "Y-Yes Loke. S-Sorry." She squeaked and then turned away.
Soon the nurse came in Aries trailing behind. I looked over at Virgo. 'Oh shoot! I still have exams i wonder how long i have been out.'
"Umm Virgo? How long have i been out?" She looked at the ground. "About two months, luckily you slept off most of your injuries, and there is only a few more weeks until schools starts again."
She looked at her feet and tears began to well in her eyes.
"I'm sorry princess! Please punish me!" "Virgo, it's okay. I'm fine it's not your fault." I gave her a huge smile. The nurse walked over to me. Concern covered her face. 'This is it, this is where they tell me i have two months to live!' I began freaking out in my mind. "Lucy..." the nurse began.
"The car crash wasnt really the cause of you ending up in the hospital... you had many other injuries. Bruises, cuts and even some internal bleeding. Those weren't from the crash. Honestly if you had gone any longer without coming here you would have died. In reality, the car crash saved you."
I looked at my finger and began playing with them. "WAIT!! WHAT!?" "LUCY WHAT IS GOING ON" Everyone erupted with questions. "Umm.." I mumbled. "You see.."
"SPIT IT OUT ALREADY GIRL!" Aquarios screached and slammed her fist on my bed. "Okay okay!" I shivered in fear. "I've been depressed and i was bullied, beaten up everyday. I-I began to think i deserved it. Believed what they said. I even caused myself some harm. I-Im sorry."


I couldn't look at them, couldnt face them. 'They'll hate me now.. my only family will hate me.

Suddenly I was enveloped in warmth. I looked up and they were all crying. Wrapping me in a big group hug. "I'm sorry Lucy i should have noticed your pain." Said Capricorn. They all nodded they're head in agreement.
"Well I know one thing for sure. You aren't going back to that school." Sagitarius grumbled.

I gave them a hug and giggled as a single tear fell from my face. 'Thanks guys. Your the best family ever."

Wow im sore. That was alot of typing in a short amount of time.

I have been contemplating writing something for a while now and finally decides to get an account on wattpad and make something.

I promise my future chapters will be better and more organized. I basically went into this blindly. I had no idea what i was going to write about. All i know is tomorrow im going to be cringeing at this. But, i knew if i didnt get this up i never would. :)

Anyways this is my first story ever but, i welcome all critisizem. Im tired because it getting late but, i hope you enjoy. Im going into exams soon but i will try to get a chapter up atleast every week. I will try for a new chapter tomorrow but no promises.

Well thanks if you've got this far.


Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. If I did things would be much different. :)

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