Chapter 4 Spirits and Secrets

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This chapter is dedicated to @Stinglu4Life1234 Thanks for adding my book to a reading list!

Lucys pov.

I wake up as we pull up to the mansion. I yawn and stretch a bit accidently hitting Gajeel in the face.

"Ouch Bunnygirl! Have you been working out?" Gajeel turns to me while rubbing his face.

I smile sheepishly while flexing my flabby arms. "Yeah totally." I wink.

The car stops and I see my family (the people who work at my mansion) rushing towards me.

I crawl out of the car slowly. I hear my friends behind me as i come face to face with everyone.

"Hi guys.." I whisper sheepishly and lean against Juvia for support.

Most of my family ask me if im okay but I quickly close my eyes as I feel a dark aura.

"LUCY HEARTFILLIA!!" Aquarius screeches at me. She points to the house and I nod before starting to walk to the house. I turn around when I notice no one following me.

"Come on." I motion towards me.

"Wait this where you live Lu-chan!?"
Levy calls to me as i continue walking to the house.

I motion for them to follow me. I reach the living room and have a seat. "Lucy hime? The doctor is here can he have a look?"

"Of course." I say sighing as i adjust on the chair. The doctor starts to look at my injuries.

"Theres nothing new. They have just worsened a bit." She hands me some pills and cream. "Just continue using this stuff like before." I nodded to her then she left.

"Lucy please tell us whats going on now!" Erza raises her voice at me.

I cower and the tears start to fall. I look at them before running up the stairs. I hide in my room while I hear the people downstairs calling after me. My family stops them so they cant go upstairs.


Gajeels pov.

I tried to go after bunnygirl but Virgo stopped me with her supernatural strength. She threw me over shoulder then threw me back on the couch. I pouted while the people who havent met Lucys family befores jaws drop.(a/n everyone but Gajeel and Juvia)

"Why wont she talk to us I ask Virgo?"
She just looks away from me.

"Sorry Gajeel-san Juvia-san..." Aries begins. " You see. Lucy-san has been through alot. She... she.." Aries stops talking. She takes a couple deep breaths. Seeing that no one else was going talk. She began again. "Its Lucy-sans place to tell. She has a hard time trusting you now... shes been through alot. Dont expect her to tell you anything."

Aries finished and turned away. "But.. she can trust us we would never hurt her-" Juvia was cut off.

"THATS WHAT YOU DONT GET!!!! YOU LEFT HER ALL ALONE AT THE WRONG TIME! PEOPLE DIED!! SHE WWS HURT PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY!! SHE TRIED TO KILL HERSELF!! SHE WAS ALONE ALL ALONE!!!" Virgo panted trying to catch her breath. Everyone who knew virgo including myselfs eyes went wide. I have never seen Virgo show emotion once.

"I think its best if you leave. Lucy will be at school tomorrow." I turn to my right to see Loke pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"No way! Who did this to Luce!?" Natsu yelled trying to break through the wall of workers.

"I think I know-" Erza was cut off by a firm voice. I looked up the stairs at the beautiful blonde. Her milk skin face covered in red tear streaks.

"I'd like to talk to you Erza. You know so much already and I assure you will keep it discreet. If not for my sake but as the duties of the student body president." Her face was firm and showed no emotion. In all honesty her personality was like a cross between her emotions. Ever since we were little we had called them her spirits.

A flash of red brought me out of my memories as Erza made her way up the grand staircase. The rest of us tried to follow but were cut off by her 'spirits'. They closed quickly like a gate on a castle. A movement that looked like it had been practiced many times before.

"The rest of you must leave. Hime will tell you when she is ready. Please respect her wishes." Virgo was back to her monotone self.

I must admitt. I was hurt. Bunnygirl would tell Juvia or myself, we used to tell eachother everything. I can't help but wonder what happened. She use to be so happy. Bringing smiles to everyone around her. She lived a perfect life with her whole family. Yet-

My thoughts were interupted by Juvia who appeared to have been thinking the same thing. "Where were love rivals parents. You would think that they would be there after something so serious. They use to make such a big fuss over trivial things like a papercut. Juvia is confused."

I kept walking in silence as did everyone else. We were all to shocked and confused by the days events to even try to begin to figure out what was going on. So we went home.

I walked into my house and was greeted by my cat Pantherlilly. Lucy was there when I got Lilly. I went to bed and dreamt about the day I got Lilly.


Word count- 907

This chapter isnt as long. As my last which happened to be extra long. This is about how long i want to make all my chapters.

We didnt quite get to the goal at the time I wrote this so only one chapter. However. Next update (Thursday I believe if not next monday.) Will be double. First a chapter of Gajeels dream. It also has to do with how Lucy got her Nickname!! Second will be Lucy and Erza.

How did you feel about Gajeels point of view? Who do you want Lucy with?

Vote and comment!

Thanks for the support!

Next chapters will be dedicated to roughly 4 people who have been very supportive!



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