Chapter 2 New School Old Friends

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IM SO SORRY FOR NOT POSTING IN A WHILE. Man im a terrible author. :) I will explain my absense in the authors note later. So if your curious read it.

"Morning Lucy hime" I heard being called from behind me.

"Mornnninng!" I slurred out.

I sat up in bed and yawned before stretching my limbs. I slouched over and peeked at my clock.


"Yes hime"

"Why are you waking me up at 6:30?"

"You have school today hime. Its your first day at fairytail!"

I looked at her my eyes widening before I leaped out of bed.

"I will go make pancakes for you. Come down when your done getting dressed." Virgo told me before bowing to me and going down stairs.

I sighed. I didn't get why she bowed to me all the time.

I went to my shower and washed myself with strawberry vanilla  scented soap. It was called strawberries and cream. I hopped out and blow dried my hair before i went in search of chlothes.

The weather was fairly warm still since it was september and summer had just ended. So i decided to wear high wasted burgundy coloured shorts and a baggy white t-shirt that said no hate. I also packed some extra clothes in my bag. A longsleeve black shirt and some pants. Just in case something happened.

I looked in the mirror and applied some makeup over the bruises and scars on my face, arms, and legs. Some of my bullies at Sabertooth academy had found me at the park and beat me up. I then threw my hair up in a messy bun.

'There!' I thought

Then I ran down the stairs to meet Virgo in the kitchen.

"Mmmm.... that smells good!" I said when I stepped in the kitchen.

Virgo placed some chocolate chip oatmeal pancakes in front of me and i began stuffing my face.

"Hime? Would you like me to make some lunch?"

"No Virgo its okay I packed my lunch last night." I said between bightfuls of pancakes.

I packed quite a large lunch even though i dont eat alot. I was just incase someone stole my lunch that i would have something left. I packed some sushi, an apple, a chocolate chip muffin, some salad and a turkey sandwich.

Normally the bullies would steal whay they thought was the tastiest. So i would be left with the salad and apple. I snuck a little bit of my homemade salted caramel dip in the bottom of my back pack to go with the apples. Then I had put some chicken in the middle of what looked like a plain salad. What the bullies dont know wont hurt them.

I shoved my lunch in my backpack along with my school supplies and some money. I needed to pick up some more concealer from the store today.

"Im ready to go Virgo!" I called over my shoulder as I walked out the mansion doors.

"Bye hime!" She called back.

I shut the door to my house before heading down the driveway.

"Lucy!" I heard Capricorn call. "Dont you need a drive?"

"No. Im early so i will walk today. Its not far. I will call you when I need a ride home." I smiled at him before continuing down the driveway.

The truth is. I dont want to be bullied for being the rich kid again.

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