Chapter 6 Sisters

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Erzas pov.

I walked towards the 'spirits' and they parted letting me through. I saw Loke give me a week smile as they went back to there defense position.

I walked up to the stairs to see Lucy. Her face had red streaks going down it and her eyes were bloodshot. She motioned for me to follow her and she lead me to her room. It was all pink with a king sized white bed with princess looking drapes around it. The room was tidy. But empty all but a single dresser with a picture of a girl who looked like Lucy on it.

She crawled into her bed and I sat at the end of the bed looking at her. We made I contact for a bit before she took a deap breath getting ready to tell me her story.

"Im sure you have noticed how close i seem with Juvia and Gajeel. I knew them when i was younger" she looked off it to the distance a small smile gracing her face as she recalled memories.

"We were the inseperable trio. I was 7 when I met Gajeel. He was 8. I met Juvia through him later but thats probably a story for another time. We were close until the week before my 12th birthday. That was when I found out they were leaving. Gajeel and Juvias families were close. They didnt even get to say goodbye to me. They just got up and left!!!" She squeezed her eyes shut and took some deep breaths.

"I guess I was mad at them for a bit. It came to a point where I stopped blaming them. I wouldn't have said goodbye to me either." She mumbled the last part but I heard her well and was about to interupt when she looked at me with a giant smile. I wish I could have gone along with it and smiled back. However I knew right then and there that her smile was fake. I had forced some fake smiles of my own. I just shook my head.

Her smile fell. She chuckled bitterly. "I should have known I couldn't have gotten away with that in front of you. Your THE Erza Scarlet."

"Its not so great being Erza Scarlet all the time." I mumbled frowning slightly at the statement.

"I know. Thats why I should have known. You walk around the school with so much responsibility. You spend all your time keeping the students of the school safe. Doing whats vest for them. People fear you... but, what about you Erza!?"

I looked her in the eye there were tears falling down her face.
"Who's there for you? Who thanks you for the sacrifices you have made. Even when you were sitting at the table of populars I saw the way you looked. The way they looked at you. Even then you still had to keep up the facade. You had to be strong for them. They still feared you." Lucy finished with a new determination in her eyes.

I felt something hit my hand.
"Im crying. Would you look at that. You hit it right on the nail Lucy. Thank you... but... I think we are here for your story. Mine will come another day."

Lucy nodded at me.
"They left shortly after I had found out. They were leaving. I cried for 2 days and refused to talk to anyone. When I was finally feeling better tragic struck. My mother. Was murdered."

To say I was shocked was an understatement. Lucy just looked emotionless as she continued with her story.

"It happened the night of my birthday. After my birthday dinner with my parents i wanted to go to the park where I had met Gajeel to sit under a cherry blossom tree and watch the sunset. My father had to go to a late night meeting since he had postponed them all for my birthday an my mother was tired and wanted some time to herself. So she made all the "spirits" go with me. When we got home the house was trashed. The only thing I remeber though, was my mother. Dead. Drowning in her own pool of blood. Everything else, is a blur. I think my self concious got rid of the memories for my own protection."

I saw her facade breaking as more and more tears streamed down her face. Her chocolate eyes turned lifeless. They lost all sheen and just became puddles of sticky mud. Absorbing all happiness that was once there. Real and fake.

"Things went down hill from there." She laughed bitterly. "I started to be bullied. It wasnt bad at first. They occasional insult. Then it got worse it became an everyday thing. Peolple wpuld say my mom killed herself to get away from me. They would say my dad knew this and stopped talking to me so he could avoid the same fate. Then they started hitting me! At first I fought back. But, as it got worse I started to believe them. I thought i should die! So I let them beat me. They still do. They call me names, they hurt me... Erza... ive hurt myself over and over again."

She rolled up her sleeves and her arms were covered in scars. I gasped.

"I should be dead right now after everything that has happened! My freinds expect me to be the same old Lucy but im not!!!" They dont know anything that has happened since they left. There has been so much so please!! Pleaee Erza don't tell them!!!"

She was crying hysterically now. I rushed to her side and hugged her under the covers. She cried in my shoulder while I cried next to her.

"Its safe with me Lucy. I have only known you for meer hours but you know more about me then any of my friends already. You are like a little sister to me. We will protect eachother okay?"

She sniffled and nodded. I wiped away my tears and then stroked her hair until she clamed down. I dont know how long I stayed there but the last thing I heard before we drifted off to sleep was Lucy whisper.

"Thank you Erza. I promise that even if you regret wanting to be my older sister. I will always be there for you no matter what."

Word count- 1065

Sorry its so short and sorry it took so long to update. Ive been sick with colds and fevers back to back for weeks and when I wasn't sick I was tired and trying to catch up on school work.

Sorry this chapter is crap. I wrote it quickly in the half an hour I had free tonight. I hope you enjoyed anyways.

Remeber to tell me the ship you want!

Vote, comment, follow!!

This chapter is dedicated to naluandstinglu

And all my fatefull reader. Thank you so much. I love you all!! I would tage more people but wattpad keeps crashing on me. 😂😂😊😊

Lots of love,

Ps. I do not own fairytail or its characters. Only the plot of this story and any of my own chracters.

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