Chapter 8 Impressions

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Dedicated to Jesse0213 and Thanks!

I got out of the shower and went to my room hunting for some suitable clothes. After my talk with Erza I was in an okay mood. Maybe things would be okay this time.

Finally near the back of my walk in closet I found the things Virgo had bought me. I pulled out a pink and white right fitting t-shirt and a black skirt. I looked in the mirror and shrugged. Not bad considering I hadn't worn tight clothes or colours in years.

I twirled over to my bed watching my skirt swish around me. I flopped onto my bed giggling while my wet knotted hair cascaded around my head, turning into something that looked like a nest. I picked a long limp piece up, examining how dry and dull it was I came to a decision.

"CANCER! I NEED YOU!" I heard thumping up the stairs.

"Yes?" He asked shifting his sunglasses on his face, he put a hand on his hip right on top of his trusty scissors that had laid almost forgotten in his pocket.

I stood up rushing to him and grabbing his hand. He looked shocked as I dragged him over to my desk and sat down in my chair. I looked at him and smiled as he raised an eye questionably.

"Well?" I gestured to my hair. "Get on with it."

"Oh thank goodness! I have been wanting to do something with your hair for ages."

I laughed, once again catching him off guard. "I could tell! Every time you saw me your hands twitched towards your scissors."

He finished brushing out the knots when he froze making a face of shock.

"What! What's wrong!" I shouted freaking out.

"Nothing, I'm just surprised there are no baby birds in this nest of yours." He smiled and winked at me through the mirror.

I scowled at him as he finished up his work. By the time he was finished my hair had a golden gleam to it and it was cut just below my shoulders. He sectioned a small piece off the top of my head and put it into a ponytail.

"There." We made eye contact and I gave him a small warm smile.

"Thank you."


I eventually got bored in my room. I hadn't realized how little there was to do before now. All the wallowing around had definitely kept me busy.

So I ventured down stairs. At the bottom of the stairs I smelt cookies. I rushed to the kitchen wear Aries was just removing them from the oven.

"Ooo cookies!" I rushed to the island and sat down.

Aries jumped and spun around. "Miss Lucy? What are you doing down here?" She questioned. "Sorry! Sorry! I shouldn't have asked!" Aries said bowing.

I waved her off letting her know it was okay.n"I got bored... Where are the twins?"

"Just washing up, they will be here in a moment."

I smiled at her as i stared at the cooling cookies my mouth watering.

Aries and the twins, who were 10, Gemi and Mini, were some of the most recent people to join our family, but I loved them to bits. They were three I fought for. At their old home they were treated like slaves. I couldn't stand it, there owner was a very powerful fashion designer. After lots of battles between the two of us I got the three their freedom. Having no place to go they moved in with me. Aries adopted the twins as her kids and they had been living here working for me since.

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