Chapter 1

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  It was early morning on Wednesday summer and the sun began to rise up. The city and the neighborhood were quiet while everyone was in their peaceful sleep.
The wind breeze through the trees, causing the leafs of the trees making a loud whistle. The sun was bright like a big of a grapefruit and a while glow of a firefly. Birds swished through the sky softly, having their little adventure on the ride.
    Everything was so calm until in one house that looks alot like a Mexican house, one of the rooms, an alarm began to ring as it hit the time. The alarm grew louder and louder until a tanish hand hit the top of the alarm clock. This hand belong to the man who is waking up, Marco Diaz.
    Marco yawned and got out of his bed, leaving in his light blue pajamas. Marco dashed to Star's room and then he opened the door as he did a twirl. He tiptoed like a ballerina and got to Star's ear and whispers, " 🎶Star 🎶, wake up. We need to walk the dogs, " Marco tugged on Star's blanket and took it away from her. Soon as Star didn't have the blanket, she began to hug herself and shivered. "C-c-cold. S-s-so c-c-cold," Star whisperdly shivered. "Remember the festival?" Marco whispered to Star's ear again, trying go make her energetic.
      Ever since on Monday, their school, Ever Creek academy announced that there will be a festival coming up this weekend. There will be lots of rides and selling, with causes everyone to be exited, even for Star.
    This time, Star woke up all happy and stretched. "Oh, Goooood morning, Marco. Thank you for reminding me about that. We'll shall get ready, " Star said as she got out immediately and ran to her dressing room. "S-star, remember? It's on Saturday," Marco reminded Star as he chuckled. Star ignored what Marco just said and worse the same clothing as in her usual days.
    Marco shook his head as Star grabs her wand from the closet. "I always wondered... Does a festival just sell things?", Star asked. "No ,Star. There's ...more than to just that. Dances , craft making, etc," Marco listed them in all.
     Star slid on the stair handles to downstairs and landed with a flip , perfectly. "Star," Marco said. "I'm gonna be running late," Star panicked as she ran out the door. "Star!" Marco yelled as he followed her. Star ran almost to the road until Marco yelled,"STAR!" Star turned around and saw her best friend, looking unhappy.
      "Star," Marco calmed, " This isn't the time right now we have to go. Again , it's in 3 days. We can do other things right now, like, you know what we usually do." Star nodded sadly and dragged herself back to the Diaz's house.
     Marco got the leashes under the couch and clipped then on to each laser eye pup. Star walked in to the living room. She looked at Marco and said, "I'm sorry I don't listen to you earlier. I've should've listened." "Star," Marco said, " No need to forgive. It happens to everyone. Whatever something like a favorite movie is gonna be out or something, they panic earlier and their favorite this , like, later. Remember I was running late to school? I wasn't late, I wanted to see Jackie before the bell rings." Marco said as he did his karate move and accidentally made a hole on the wall with his foot.
    Star laughed," Oh yah. You kicked the door while your running and the door was stuck on your foot ." Marco laughed hard that he fell. "You looked funny while there was a door stuck on you. You couldn't run either. I said ,' Marco, school starts in 30 minutes. Why are you in a rush for Jackie?'"
     Star pulled her wand and zoomed the magic bellow the puppies, which have created a bone chew toy for the pup's. Then the pup's went stait the toy and began to fight.
     Star giggled kindly, " I'm so sorry. I've should've created more," as she created more toys for the pup's. Each pup took one and soon began to play equally. Marco smiled and then something unfamiliar happened , his cheeks turned rose pink like a rose beaming to sprout.
     Star looked and said, "Marco, what time is it?" Marco stood frozen, smiling and blushing at Star. "Uh... Marco, " Star wondered. Marco jumped and stuttered," I-I-I-it's -" Marco turned down and look at the clock on his watch. "- 7-7:30."
      " Oh. Thank you, " Star smiled and took the puppies . Star ran out the door, skipping and making wild noises and laughs. The puppies barked and followed Star. Marco rolled his eyes and walked out the door, closing the door tightly.
     As Marco tooled out, Star was far, close to the stop lights, waving her hands high. "Marco, over here ," Star hollered ,jumping up and down. Marco walked and into a distraction, he saw Jackie on the other side of the sidewalk. This causes Marco to stop and looked at her. "Hi Marco," Jackie waved her hands at him. " Hi, Jackie, " Marco blushed and waved his hands. "Whatcha doing?" Jackie asked, flipping her skateboard. " Oh. Star and I are gonna go to the park, to walk the pup's," Marco acted cool. Jackie smiled and asked, " Hay, Marco. Are you going to the festival?" "Oh yes ," Marco smiled widely and his face turned cherry red. " OK, I'll see you on Saturday," Jackie said and got on her skateboard, left.
    "Marco," Star was behind him, poking his shoulder. " Sorry, Star," Marco said," Jackie is going to the festival too." Marco face turned excited. " Oh, " Star jumped excitedly and gave a thumbs up. Marco swapped the leashes out of Star and began to skip.
     Star smiled and then sighed sadly, " Why does it have to be with Jackie with him instead of me, being friends and hang out?" Star asked herself and walked slowly.
      "I can't believe she's going," Marco said, on the bench, at the park, kicking his feet excitedly. "Yah," Stars voice turned happy into sadness. " Why do you care about her so much?" Marco thought and looked down, he said," I know her for a long time. She's like my know-it-all classmate. I love her. *Gasped* maybe I can asked her out!" Marco said as she stand up and walked the puppies, as Star stood there smiling but also blue too.

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