Chapter 13

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Authors Note: Sorry for the delay. I have been having an writers block while I was busy with assignments. I kinda lost interest in the book and looked over to see any improvements. So far, I want to start writing this fanfiction again. This isn't the best fanfiction I have ever wrote but this isn't the worst either. I want to thank you all for reading this decent fanfiction. Please leave a comment for some improvements. Thank you.

Marco closed the door for Star as they head down the block. Star chubby checks grew bright and pink as a bubblegum. Her eyes gleamed with joy as she began to hop up and down like a little bunny. Marco looked at Star, "My lady, you should be careful where you are going. You may get ran over." Star turned back on him and made a face, "Nah. I have a wand to stop all of these cars. Besides, why would I get hurt?" Soon, a car came close by near them as they were walking on the cross walk. Star hummed as stroll to the end. Marco looked around and saw the big ambitious scarlet car running in. Marco eyes grew wide. "Star, watch out!" He yelled as she pushed his friend out of the driveway. Star flew in front, hitting her chin on the cement. Marco stood in front of the side walk and blocked the drive way.

A slim blond hair man, was drinking until he saw a figure in front of him. The man spit out his drink and hit his breaks so hard. The car then slid sideways as Marco released his arms, waving his hands to give the man a warning. The car screeched and then hit near the stop sign, making a dent. Star looked up as she uncovers her hands. "Wow, Marco. That was amazing," Star cheered as she ran to her lover. Marco reached his arms, giving her a big hug, "As a gentlemen, I shall always protect you." Star tiptoed as she reached her arms for the sky, " Well, what are you waiting for. Let's get to school."
As the two headed towards campus, there was Janna, sitting near the possum statue eating her pink sprinkled doughnut. Janna saw Star, waving her arm for her attention. "Hey, Star," Janna called out. 

"Hey, girl. What are you up to?" Star answered back as she was about to get close. All of the sudden, Marco jumped in font of her and hissed at Janna.

"Hey, hey! What's up with you, Diaz?" Janna asked, confused about Marco's behavior.

" I need to protect my lady," Marco said, taking a gap of air and showed his chest, pounding on his own heart.

Janna laughed, "Dang. I never thought you'll get so fierce."

Marco grabbed the collarbone of her shirt and mumbled, " Look! I dont care what you just said. I need to protect her from the forces of evil like you. I dont want anyone to hurt her, you monstrua! Come close to her again or else". Janna saw the bright green light in his eyes.

Marco walked towards the school campus. "Let's go Star," he said as Janna thought about what just happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2019 ⏰

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