Chapter 9: Evil Star? The Shooting Star and the wish

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As Star closed the door after an adventure with Tom, a drop of tear rolled down her left eye. Star smashed her face together, trying not to cry. " Marco, Why do you love her so much instead of me?" Star said as she shut her eyes tightly, shaking. She then wasn't able to hold on to her watery cries. She then sobbed big tears out of her eyes.
She ran upstairs, whipping her tears. She opened her room door and got in, smashing the door behind her as she cast a spell with a bunch of locks on the doorknob. She landed on her bed, putting her face down on the pillow.
Star screamed, kicked the walls of her room at least 3 times and then finally stopped, looking at her wand. Her wand just turned green, green as envy and ugly. Envy as hell in its own hellhole. Hell as its own shell. Star's hear cheeks began to crack down the line. She continued to sob, sobbing about her Marco and her love for him, her everything about Marco.
She cried until time stopped for her. Then a comment made into her mind quickly. It was something from Tom earlier.

" It's your choice, Star," Tom said as he was in flames, going down to his world.

Star then went straight to the window hear her and then opened it up. She looked outside, shivering as the breeze went into her room. The sky was dark with glitter white sparkling the skies. She looked all around for the perfect star. "White, I only see white," Star grumbled to herself. She began ferrous and frustrated, red as the splatter of an explosion.
Star continued to look outside for 20 minutes. She didn't see a perfect Star but the outside of Echo Creek's neighborhood again and again. The same houses standing in place, the tress only moving, just nothing new.
Star looked deeper into the sky. Then her eyes grew wide and sparkled. She found a shooting star, slowly coming down. The Star was
Bright purple on the tip, glowing sparkles out until the color fated at the end when the blue blend in.

      She kept looking

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She kept looking. But, then her brain snapped. 'OK Star, make a wish. Remember, Shooting Stars are stars that grant you wishes,' Star thought, making herself rush.
Star thought and thought until a spark of purple it her eye. " I know now!" Star got up as she uses her want to make the shooting star make stars wishes come true.
" My dear shooting Star,
Make the whom I love, mine. The one who has the great heart of a Mexican warrior. The one with the marshal art spirit. The one with the brown eyes that are sharp as an eagle. By the name of Marco, priaze my wish! He'll be my prince, going to the Festival with me! Keep this wish then release it on the day I go out with him," Star wished out loud.
Star floated in the air with her eyes glowing in white. Her belongings and her everything's floated. Star looked at the shooting star, it is still going down.
Star got down and she was back to normal. " Well then," she smiled anxiously, " This would work. Well, I mean, I wish it comes true." She placed her wand on her desk and left the room.
When she left the room, she didn't noticed that a spark from the wand, her eyes and the shooting star both turned green evil.
She didn't feel her eyes glowing in green but the colors from the 3 rushed away.
Something bad is going to happen...

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