Marvel and DC

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I was too late... Well considering that there was a giant gaping hole in the sky, I'd suggest late was An understatement. I decided on a plan of action, to infiltrate the area where the portal was opened, and then close the damned thing. In terms this plan wasn't such a good idea since... Well I got captured. By none other than Enchantress. She had me in a force field. Quite a rough night if I had to say anything. "Enchantress... Who put you up to this."I said.
"Who do you think?" She asked. "What does Luthor want enchantress?"I asked. "Money? ,Power?" "None of the sort Batman.." "Pretty cliche of you to ask that.." She said in a mocking tone. "He wants the world to bow to him..." "And I will insure that." "Watch the portal Batman.." She pointed at the sky. Indeed something came out of the portal and it was... a Metal Man?
Iron mans POV
"What the hell?" I said while going through what seemed to be the portal that SpiderMan and BP were referring to. I tried to navigate my way through. "Friday scan this damn thing." I asked Friday my AI assistant. "Scans indicate that this portal is of unknown origin sir." "Oh great.." I said annoyed. "This is shaping up to be a Wonderful night." "Maybe I should go to a Bar afterwards.." I jokingly said. Jokes usually lighten up serious situations for me. It helps me become less nervous. Right now I was extremely nervous.
"Friday uh if I die.." " I want my funeral to be at a One Direction concert." "Just so I can annoy everyone after my death." "Noted sir." She said. After that stupid statement I crashed. The weird thing is what I crashed into... A Giant Bat? That's it for this chapter, next we get to see Bruce And Tony interact. Sphinx 98

Marvel VS DC (COMPLETED) (Sequel out now!!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt