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Third person POV
This was it. This was the last straw
Cap was finished he had just seen what he never thought could happen. Bucky was dead. And it was all because he was distracted. By that thing. If that thing never showed up he would of made it in time. Cap was now ready to kick some ass. The joker had escaped. So the only thing to do was focus on... Well the thing. Batman saw the anger in the mans eyes. He had just captured dead shot when he noticed something approaching him. It was a man in what appeared to be... patriotic attire. "YOU! You're the reason he's dead! "Die! "The man charged after batman. he dodged and grabbed the man. The man punched him. Batman had only one response, to punch back. The two fought in what seemed to be a never ending battle. Batman struggled with whoever this was. But batman knew he would prevail, he had more training. He also knew that this man had lost his only weapon. Batman quickly dashed and grabbed his shield. He knew exactly where it had landed. he beat the
Man with it. Cap was exhausted and bruised. He finally gave up and decided to reason with the thing. " Look I don't Want to hurt you." Cap managed to say. "I'm sorry for Attacking you thing. "Thing?" Batman said. "I'm a man." I'm called batman." He scoffed. "Eh ok" cap said unsure of this person. "You distracted me." "You cost the life of one of my dearest friends." Cap said. "You think.... "You think
I care?" I've lost to many people to care about shit like that." You let a wanted man escape." Batman said angrily. "I don't like your tone sir." Cap shot back. "Look get out of my way boy scout." I need to clean up the mess you made." Batman grunted. "This mess I made?" "Look you caused this." Not me." Cap said surprised. "In fact I will get out of your way, but the next time I see you. You won't win." Cap threatened. Batman dropped a smoke pellet and disappeared. Cap noticed he took his shield. Cap left in frustration.Tensions. Am I right? Maybe it'll escalate to an all out war? Who knows? Sphinx 98

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