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Third person POV
"What'd we have here?" The devious villain known as The Joker was surprised at the Fact that he had located a Man in a chamber. "I feel as if this guy could use a little wake up call." He laughed at his snarky remark. "Yoo-Hoo?" He tried to wake the man up but to no avail. " let's see ?" "Bucky is it?" He read a pamphlet next to the chamber. "Well I'll be." Joker grinned as he noticed that the pamphlet detailed how to wake him up.  "So if I'm correct..." "Oh screw this I'll just break the glass." Joker never really payed mind to rules. The glass broke easily, it had seemed that the chamber had been either used or damaged. Bucky woke up with a shock. He noticed the man standing above him. "Well well well." Aren't you a little angel." "I mean you did fall out of the sky." "Through a portal that is." The Joker said with a mocking tone. Bucky noticed he wasn't in his usual isolation chamber. "I do wonder who put you in that thing." "Hmmm. Hammer Inc?" "Or at least that's what I read." The Joker laughed. Bucky heard of that company before. Though Tony said they went bankrupt. Bucky was not intimidated by this Clown. He just felt that he was up to something. "Bucky dear?" "Do you even speak?" " I mean usually my victims have something to say before they Die." The Joker grinned. Bucky took this as an opportunity to attack. He swiped his metal arm at the Clown. Joker blocked his attack and shocked him with a joy buzzer. " Oooh. Bad move your arm is metal so it's a conductor." Don't you know anything about science?" The
Joker started to laugh again. Bucky was in a daze. He had to get out of wherever he was and fast. End of this chapter. So finally we get some action. Does Joker have plans for Bucky? Stay tuned to find out! Sphinx 98

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