Trojan Horse

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Lex's POV
The mech had been fixed, all I needed to do was preform the task I was presented with.... trick the Justice
League into fighting the avengers. I turned the mech on. It slowly powered up. I then switched on its thrusters, it lifted up into the air gracefully. I needed to do something very drastic or the Justice League would not respond. I decided to head for Wayne Tower. If I destroyed it, The Batman would be fueled with anger.
Batmans POV
Disturbance at Wayne Tower!!!!!. My computer sounded an alert. Wayne Tower was under attack! I checked my live feed. Surely enough it was being attacked. But who was attacking it? I zoomed the camera in to pin point the culprit. What I saw shocked me. It was Iron Man! But he was in a different suit. He was putting people in danger. I had to do something and fast.
Iron Mans POV
I heard commotion outside of the building I was in. I ran outside to see what was going on. The Iron Monger was attacking the building! I had to do
Something and do
It fast. Short chapter I know, but the next chapter will definitely make up for it! The Avengers and Justice League finally fight!!!!
Sphinx 98

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