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Batman's POV
"What in gods name?" I asked shocked. I had just woken up due to some sort of Thing hitting me. I looked over my shoulder and saw that metal man from earlier. I had just remembered he crashed into me. I checked to see if he was alive. His vitals were fine but he was out cold. It seemed Enchantress had gotten away. I could not lift the metal man up so I decided to call Alfred to send the batwing.
Alfred's POV
"Sir ? Could you run that by me again? I could've sworn you said a metal man ran into you? " I said to Master Wayne.
"Yes Alfred you heard me correctly." He said
"Well is he alright sir?" I asked worried of this mans condition. "Maybe you should come check it out..." He said sarcastically. "No thanks sir I'll just sit here and enjoy my tea." I said tiredly.
It had been a rather long night. "I'll send the batwing over to pick him up."
"Oh and sir try not to provoke him, he could be an evil space man." "You never have good luck with evil space men." I said jokingly "Very funny Alfred" Bruce said annoyed.
So Bruce is gonna take Tony to the Batcave. Wonder what will happen? I'll just leave ya on a cliffhanger cuz I'm a jerk. Sphinx 98

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