Realization(Part out of order)

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"STOP!" I yelled at the people fighting in front of me. "Diana?" Bruce was there, he looked at me with worry in his eyes. "What is this?... Bruce?" I was shocked and appalled. Why would Bruce do this?. Force people to fight one another? "You did this... you forced them to..." I was cut off by him. "I didn't do anything Diana I..." I cut him off this time. "YOU WHAT!?" I yelled. "YOU FORCED OUR FRIENDS INTO A BATTLE!!" I continued to yell at him. "Diana I did what I had to do. They were planning this. They wanted to kill innocent people." I punched him in the face. "I thought you were better than this Bruce." "I thought you loved me." I said coldly. "I do love you Diana I..." I hit him again. "IF YOU WOULD HAVE REASONED WITH THEM YOU WOULD HAVE KNOWN..." I calmed down. "You would have known it isn't there fault." "My friend here will tell you everything." Doctor Strange began explaining everything that Enchantress had told us. We managed to gets some information out of here during our battle.
This was all my fault. I should have reasoned with them. Instead I did what I did to Clark... Fought. I ran off. They called for me but I didn't listen. They didn't need my help. No one needs my help.....
Short but heartbreaking chapter (which happens to be out of order) anyway I guess we shall figure out what happens to Batman next chapter! Sphinx 98
Squad extended edition is out!!!!
(Sorry just excited.)

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