Hard Acceptance

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// 3rd person pov //

[At Santa's Workshop]

"Do you think they'll be here in time?" Tooth asked North as they all wait in the lobby

"Well if they won't, we could always do the old fashion way of getting them" North chuckled

"Do you really think they're ready mate?" Bunny asked in concern. North answered "I don't, but Man in Moon does"

"Okay, but aren't there a bit too many Guardians already?", "You know what they say, the more the merrier!" Tooth told Bunny

"Besides, Manny also said that they'll be having their own group separated to ours! Plus Jack is going to be with them, meaning we don't really have to deal with any of those kids" North said as he nudges Bunny,

"I like that idea mate!" he then smirked at Jack who just sticked his tongue out at him

All of a sudden, the Snow Queen came in, sliding so fast that she ended up slipping out, crashing through the window of the workshop.

Everyone just stared at the shattered window where she crashed.

"Do you think she's going to be ok?" Bunny asked, North, Tooth, Jack and Sandy just simply answered with a shrug, "bummer".

"I'm okay!" she yelled with an aching tone, "Alright! Tooth, help her out" North requested as he went to the globe along with Bunny and Sandy.

"Hey Elsa!" Tooth exclaimed as she helped her up, "hey Tooth, how's it been?" Elsa asked as she remove the snow off her cloak

"Same as always, collecting children's teeth and their memories along with it" she giggled

"That sounds kinda dark if someone gets the wrong idea"

"True,.. Anyway, what have you been doing?" at this moment, both of them are walking towards the globe where everyone else was

"Oh, just relaxing... Alone time, thinking, enjoying the little things I see around me." Elsa answered effortlessly

"You know, if you needed company, you could always count on me," Jack said who was walking behind them "Good evening, Snow Queen" he bowed jokingly then smirked earning an annoyed expression from her

Tooth joined North and the others, leaving the both of them alone.

"Hi Jack" Elsa said coldly then walked past him

"Aww, why are you being so cold to me?" he pouted

"The cold shouldn't even be bother you Mr. Frost" she smirked at him "Well played," Jack commented.

"So? Did you miss me?" Jack asked playfully, "You'd be cocky if I answered yes, so no" Elsa answered "Oh come on, now you're being too cold for me to handle!"

"Can the two of you stop flirting with each other and hurry up in here?!" Bunny called them out

"We are not flirting with each other!" both of them said simultaneously "Sure, keep telling yourselves that. Just hurry up!"

Both of them was about to join the rest of the group until a dragon landed on them.

Well... landed on Elsa.

"Why...??" she groaned in pain. Hiccup immediately transformed back to his human form causing Merida and Rapunzel to fall on them.

The three of them immediately got off of Elsa and helped her out

"Oh my god, Elsa! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to land on you" Hiccup appologized

"Its okay" Elsa said as she's trying to stand up straight. "I just hope nothing else is going to fall on me. Because that would really-"

Sadly, a children sized bed suddenly fell on her, knocking her out of consciousness.

All of them looked up and just saw two yetis pointing at each other. North sighed and rubbed his head in frustration. "Could someone please just place her on top of that bed?"

Hiccup and Merida took the bed off Elsa, while Jack took her and placed her on the bed. Rapunzel then healed her and said that she'd wake up soon.

// Elsa's pov //

I woke up by the vague voices I kept hearing. I remembered what just happened to me and thankful that my head nor body hurts.

Soon enough, I could make out the words of the voices.

"Aye! This is a dream come true! Now this is the kind of responsibility I could gladly handle!" was that Merida?

"Seems okay to me, I mean there's not much to do in my eternal spiritual life." sounds like hiccup's voice now.

"It both excites and scares me, but I think I could handle it." Punzie? what are they talking about?

I finally sat up and looked behind me. They all noticed me and gave me looks that I cant understand.

"What are you guys talking about?" I asked curious yet suspicious.

They all looked at each other for a quick moment before North answered my question with an answer that I never even thought about.

Be a Guardian?!

"Wait what?" I was surprised! I never put much thought about being a Guardian, or a Guardian in general! What do they even do? Why me?

I was panicking at this point and they can see that from my expression.

"Don't worry," Jack went beside me "It's not as dumb, scary, and boring as you think!" he gave me a reassuring smile

"But why me? What could I have done to deserve this? I don't remember anything! All I can see was that I had a bad childhood, caused an eternal winter after my coronation, almost killed my sister, and basically SHE saved Arendelle and not me! So why me? Shouldn't SHE be the one to be brought back to life and be a guardian?"

I was tearing up. Everything became blurry. I just don't understand!

"Elsa!" Jack grabbed my shoulders "calm down" Then I noticed the I froze the floor from where I'm standing

"I-... I'm sorry" I lowered my head, embarrassed of what I did.

"It's okay. Look Elsa, Man in moon was the one who chose you. We may not know the reason why, but he is wiser than anyone of us. Just have faith in him," North told me and placed his hand on my shoulder "have faith in yourself."

"Everything will be fine, we'll be here for you" Punzie...

I smiled at her and mouthed the words "thank you". I should be at least thankful that I get to be with my cousin in this world.

North clasped his hands together as he exclaimed "Let the ceremony begin!"

I just stared awkwardly as confetti's started popping up and trumpets stated playing all around.

"I don't really have a choice, do i?"

"Nope" Bunny answered from behind me

I don't think I could do this...

To be continued...

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