Rescheduled Ceremony

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// 3rd person pov //

"WAIT!" Elsa shouted causing everyone to stop. The yetis and elves gave a look saying "not again" recalling the last time this happened when Jack was the one given the ceremony.

"The both of you are so alike" Tooth told Jack causing him to laugh

"Can I just- skip? The ceremony?" Elsa asked awkwardly with a shy smile

North chuckled before saying "You can't just skip a ceremony in be-" "I mean-" she immediately cut him off "can I be a Guardian some other time?" North gave Elsa a confused look "-Soon?" she added, hoping he wont get too mad at her.

"How soon?" North asked

"Enough for me to take all of this in..." she answered with pleading eyes

Tooth went by North side and whispered something to him. He sighed and finally decided to reschedule the ceremony.

Elsa let out a huge sigh of relief like she was almost going to die

"Dang lass! You were tense!" Merida laughed at her

"Merida!" Rapunzel called out


"Language please!"

Merida groaned then everyone else laughed for a short while.

Little did they know that Pitch has been watching them in the dark.

"Alright, since the ceremony is rescheduled for who knows how long, the four of you will be living here until you became full on Guardians! And then all of you can go back to your lives." North exclaimed. The four of them looked at each other with who knows what they're thinking.

"Now Jack, Tooth, Bunny and Sandy- all of you can go back with your duties as Guardians." they all nodded before leaving the workshop.

North lead the four soon-to-be-guardians to their rooms down a hall.

"Rapunzel, you'll be staying here-" North said as he placed a sun sticker on the door,

"Haddock, right next-" dragon head sticker,

"Merida," bow'n arrow sticker,

"And lastly Elsa." snowflake sticker.

Elsa, being at the very end of the hall, gave her goosebumps. She was nervous but wasn't quite sure why.

"Uhm where's the bathroom?" Elsa asked, North pointed to the door that was just across Merida's room. Elsa smiled at him as a sign of "thank you"

"If you need anything-" North trailed off, "just go help yourself, because I'll be busy working."

"Wow, thanks." Merida said sarcastically earning a sly smile from him

"Now, all of you, go get some rest" He said then left

Everyone entered their room except for Elsa who went to the bathroom.

// Elsa's pov //

I washed my face then stared at the mirror. Looking myself in the eye, I asked "Why am I so troubled?!" I sighed in frustration as I dropped my head down.

Looking back up in the mirror, I saw a tall dark figure behind me. I gasped and turn around to see nothing. I groaned loudly in frustration

great. now I'm going crazy.

I went straight to my room, took my cloak off, and jumped on my bed. The only source of light I have is the moon.

"I still don't understand why. Why me, Manny? "

Knowing that I'm not getting any answer from him, I just went to sleep.

To be continued...

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