Unknown Darkness

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// 3rd person pov //


Everyone was looking at her in disbelief.

"I-I didn't do anything, I swear!" she defended her self as she slowly stood up

"Who else could've done this?! You're the only one here who has the power to freeze people!" North yelled sternly

"I promise you, it wasn't me." she raised her hands as defense "w-we were just playing hide and seek and-" she trailed off as she stared at the icy mess where the closet was suppose to be

"and... I guess- I think... I just got drowned by my own fears, when I saw Punzie frozen solid. Then I made this mess." she looked back at North "That's it"

North squinted his eyes at her, "Beside, do you really think I could do this to my own cousin? All of you know that we don't have any bad blood towards each other."

"Fine." North said lightening up the tension

"But the question still remains. If you didn't do it, who did?" Merida said as she jumped down from the pile

"Uh, guys? Before we investigate, may I remind you that there is a frozen solid Punzie over here that needs to be unfrozen?!" Hiccup exclaimed

"Oh! Right sorry" Elsa started trying to unfreeze her. While doing so, she noticed something

"One more evidence that I'm not the one who did this to her; This is not my ice. If you look closely, the ice used here has a tint of black and is very sharp."

After Elsa melted the ice, they brought Punzie to her room. Minutes later she finally woke up.

"Ow... My head hurts... What happened?"

"We should be the one to ask you that question, what happened to you lass?" Merida asked earning a confused look

"What do you mean?"

"You don't remember anything?" Hiccup asked worriedly

There was a short pause before Punzie answered, "All I remember was that we were playing hide and seek, and I hid in a giant old gift box."

"Is that all you could remember?" North asked

"Well... I do remember feeling cold, dead silence, and pitch black darkness. Then I'm here." North stood up after hearing this

"Hiccup, Merida, stay here and take care of Rapunzel, don't leave her side. Elsa, you come with me." the four looked at each other confused, nervous and concerned.

North left the room, followed by Elsa who closed the door.

"N-North? I-is everything alright?" Elsa asked him while following him from behind. North just stayed silent till they reached the Globe room.

North brought out the Northern lights signaling the rest of the Guardians before facing the confused and nervous Elsa.

"Tell me every detail that happened while you were in that closet." North stated sternly

Elsa stared at him in disbelief, getting more and more confused on what's going on.

// Rapunzel's pov //

"Okay, can someone please explain to me what just happened?" Merida and Hiccup looked at each other before back at me.

Hiccup sat beside me while Merida leaned to the wall, looking down as if trying to take in everything that happened.

"Punzie, when I found you in the box, you were frozen solid."

"Wait what? Frozen solid? B-wha-h-how? How could that happen without me knowing a single thing?"

"Who ever did this to you was able to wipe your memory of it."

"Elsa is a suspect, Jack is a suspect, heck anyone who can freeze people is a suspect." Merida started

"But neither of them can erase memories." Hiccup told her

"And yet, we can't be so sure." she continues to argue

"Guys! Neither of them could have done this to me."

"Punzie, we shouldn't be too sure about that. Besides them, I know no one who could use ice magic."

Hiccup and I exchanged worried looks, "And I doubt both of you knows anyone either." Merida continues

Hiccup stood up and opened the door.

"And where are you going?"

"I'm going to try to find more clues. Merida, you stay here with Punzie and keep an eye for anything suspicious. If you need anything, yell. If you see anything threatening, don't hesitate to fight. Got that?"


// Hiccup's pov //

I left Punzie's room and went back to the crime scene.

"What?! You don't think Pitch is back?"


"It couldn't be Pitch, he doesn't have that power, mate."

"But you heard Elsa's story! He's trying to get her."

Sounds like Bunny and Tooth, wha-? they're all here? What's going on?

"But Elsa didn't freeze her, so maybe Pitch learned to use ice magic?"

Then silence followed,

"Sandy is right Jack, that's just impossible." North said.

"Then maybe he found someone who has ice powers?"

"Possible, but I don't know anyone who possesses that kind of power except for you and Elsa."

Wait, Pitch Black? I heard a lot of stories about that guy.

I suddenly felt a dark presence behind me. Quickly, I turned around and saw-


Then everything went ice cold.

To be continued...

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