Meanwhile pt1

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// 3rd person pov //

Four mysterious shadows has been watching each of the soon-to-be guardians just after they left Santa's Workshop.

After noting where they are and who they are with, they returned back to Pitch's lair to report him.

[At Pitch's Lair]

There was a complete dead silence in the dark underground lair of the one and only Nightmare King.

After a moment, Pitch finally came out of the shadows and entered the moonlight. He growled deeply as he stared at the moon.

"Your guardians may have beaten me, but mark my words!... I will never stop trying to cover the world with fear." he let out a menacing laugh

Dissapearing into the darkness once again, he entered the globe room, staring at the globe that was full of bright glowing lights, eyes filled with hatred.

Suddenly, fearsome screams has entered the room, causing Pitch to chuckle in delight.

"FINALLY!" he exclaimed, "My precious dream eaters."

The four shadows stood tall like soldiers.

"Tell me everything I need to know." Pitch ordered. One by one, the shadows let out a howl, giving Pitch a sinister smile.

"North? "Alone" you say?! THAT FOOL! Oh, this is perfect. Taking out the boss first would make things a lot easier for me!" he exclaimed and paused for a moment.

"I admit, I was too hasty before. Focusing on the children? When I should've focused more in getting rid of the Guardians first?!" Pitch grinned, "I may have failed last time, but I was already so close in succeeding. And now? This time, I'm sure, the world will finally be mine!"

Pitch let out a chilling laugh and was followed by his dream eater's howls. It echoed across the lair, causing his nightmares to wake up and let out a neigh.

"BE PREPARED! Christmas is coming and I think everyone should finally meet a new Santa."

[At Santa's Workshop]

"Hmm..." North felt something bad was going to happen.

"I wonder if it is a good idea if we head on to Pitch before he could even start anything..."


North went out of his office to see what caused the ruckus. To his dismay, the tower of ready-to-be-delivered gift boxes was ruined because two yetis was playing dodge elves.

"NOOOO!" North cried... Guess that means extra work for him to do.

[With Sandy]

"Really? This girl has been sick for five days now?" Rapunzel asked in disbelief

Sandy nodded his head. They both stared at the sleeping 8 year old while having a dream of being a mermaid.

Rapunzel quietly entered her room through the window but was stopped by Sandy.

"Its okay Sandy, I'm just going to heal her."

Sandy let her go and she continued to slowly walk towards the little girl. She placed her hand on the girl's head, sighing, she closed her eyes. Her hand glowed for a while then faded.

Rapunzel opened her eyes and smiled at the girl. She looked at Sandy who was staring at her with awe. "She's better now" Punzie told Sandy earning two thumbs up from him.

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