Chapter (1) - Jasmine's P.O.V

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 Jasmine's P.O.V

It was Wednesday morning, I woke up, like always, as a lazy ass person, I tried my best to get up from my bed, 

Bed : please stay 

Me : I can't baby

*the bed frowned*

I finally got my ass up, then took a shower, argh oh how I hate school, waking up at 6:30, going to classes, when at the end, you will forget about it, I am though one of the youngest in Year 11, I have the brain, but don't have the attitude to be all geeky, but the best thing about going to school is meeting with my two best friends, Alex and Natalie, they are in grade 10, so no classes together, except gym and theater.

I got out from my shower, not wanting to dress all fancy, I took my hockey jersey with a number 7 in the back, a short jeans, and a vans, I put my hair in a mess bun, I swinged my back pack in my left shoulder, and grabbed my Iphone 5, I headed downstairs. 

Not much to my suprise, both of my foster parents is not home, they are the most busiest people, they are the owner of number one  Company in Europe, so the usually in Europe, and I'm stuck here in California, taken care by the most trusted person in my family, Mary-Ann. 

Not bothering to have breakfast, I drove to school in my red Lamborgini, and went to school. 

In school, I was greeted by the usual stare from my lovable fans, and my most favourite people in life, Alex and Natalie, leaning in my locker probably waiting for my signature, just kidding, 

"What's up, my minions ?" Natalie send me, a glare, Alex is still in her math book, learning,

"Have you heard about the new kid?" I shook my head, when Natalie said that, "He is so hot and cute," I just smiled at her not wanting her to continue, 

"So what do you want to do after school?" Natalie asked us, I shrugged, 

"I know!" Alex suprised me and Natalie, "we can go to starbuck ?" we all smile and finally the bell rings cueing us to get to our first period. 

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