We Got A Boy Chapter (17) The final chapter

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I did promise you all an Epilogue about this story.... well here ya go ! 



6 years later...

Jasmine's P.O.V

"Mommy, mommy wake up, Aunt Alex and Uncle Nate is here," My 5 years old son, Dylan shouted. 

"Who opened the door ?" I asked, not opening my eyes. 

"Daddy did." 

"Oh well, let him handle them." 

"Okay, I'm just gonna play with Beth," he said, exiting my room. I groaned knowing that I need to meet Alex and Nathan. It's been so long since I last saw them. It was like 4 years ago, back at home. I left to London for University together with Tyler. 

Since the three of us, found out that we are sisters, we stop hanging together, but still are really close. Natalie and Kyle got married and gave birth with twins, Cole and Matt, they are like the cutest kids ever. I feel so old knowing I have already 2 nephew and 1 niece. Natalie and Kyle immediately move after they got married, they move to Singapore, yeap it's really far. Alex and Nathan move to London together with Nathan. They live not really far from my house. 

I got up from my bed and got ready. I went downstair to see not only Alex, Nathan, and Tyler, yeap I'm married to that douchebag. But I also see Natalie and Kyle. "Oh my god..." I trailed. 

"Hey sister !" Alex and Natalie said in unison. I cover my now hanging mouth with my hands.

"I can't believe you are all here." 

"Well, believe it," Alex hissed and hug me. "Happy birthday, Jasmine or should I say Andie."

I totally forget about my birthday...

"Thanks, I totally forgot it was my birthday today," I mumbled and pull away from Alex and hug Natalie. 

"Oh my god, is that a grey hair ?" Natalie said while scanning my hair. 

"Liar," I said noticing her grinning. 

"Alright fine you caught me." Natalie said, putting her hands up in defeat. 

And well we chatter catching up with our life events and ya-da ya-da. 

The End 

This is a really lame epilogue don't you think ?

Anway, I guess this is the end... But don't worry we are now working on our other stories.. upcoming stories :

-The trouble-maker princess and the charming beast.

-Inside us

SO stay tuned and follow us to read more from us.

We love you and thank you for reading and voting :) 

Until next time... 

Toodles *crying filling the room with our tears* 


Just kidding, we are still here but with different stories :)

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