Chapter (8)

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Jasmine's P.O.V

After a good movie morning, and a quick shock of Natalie's scream, we went to the mall, to grabbed lunch, we settled down in Nando's, 

"are you ready to order ?" the waiter, wow that voice sounds familiar, 

"yea I'll have the.." I look up and my eyes laid in the most awestruck eyes, Franco's, 

"Jasmine?" he said, I didn't realize I was admiring his eyes, for a second, or two,  

"Um yea? Franco ? you work here ?" he nodded, Natalie and Alex was just giving me jealousy stare, 

"So what are you guys having ?" he asked us, 

"We'll have the 3 hot wings," Nathan said, he nodded, and left, "Someone have a crush on someone ?" Nathan tease while laughing with Kyle, I blushed, while Natalie, Alex, and Tyler, was giving me, quite a glare, 

"Oh shut up, I do not have crush on him," I lied, I do have a crush on him, 

can't stand his eyes huh? -mind

duh -mind

"MMhhmm," Nathan mumbled, raising his eyebrow, then finally our hot wings came, its about time, who cares about who I had a crush on ? I rather eat ! 

Alex's P.O.V

I can sense that Jasmine have a little crush on Franco, well who can't resist the cuteness of Franco? I admit it, I am jealous, well he will surely be mine, soon. 

"Alex, you haven't took a bite of your hot wings," Nate distracted my thoughts, 

"Oh yea, sorry, got zoned out," I answered, taking a bite of the wings, 

"sure, you did, or are you also, checking mister hot stuff?" Natalie teased, I narrowed my eyes toward her, 

"Oh, like you don't ?" I snapped, and with that I left my seat, I walked to the parking lot, good thing we use our own cars going here, I was about to approached my car, when a hand in my wrist, put a hold on it, 

"What's wrong, Alex?" I turned my face toward Nathan, of course its him,

"It's nothing, really, none of your things to be worried about," I said, he studied my face,

"It is so of my worried, you are my best friend, whom I will love, you can always tell me everything," I nodded, we took a walk to the closest park near the mall, "So what is it about ?" Nathan asked, as we sat down, 

"You see, I keep on sensing, that me, Natalie, even Jasmine have a little crush on Franco," right after I said that, Nathan's face turns red, 

What the hell did I said wrong ?

Nathan's P.O.V

"You see, I keep on sensing, that me, Natalie, even Jasmine have a little crush on Franco," in there my face went burning red, how could she not realize that I have like her since the day I laid my eyes on her, I love her already, "Are you okay, Nate?" 

"Yea, I'm good, it's just so hot here you know ?" I excused, or lied, "So are you know relieved when you already told someone about it ?" she nodded, then I hugged her, she hugged me back, its always feel good, to have her around my arms, 

"Umm Nate?" 


"I can't breath,"

I let go of her, "Oh right, sorry,"

"It's okay, can we go home ?" I nodded,

Natalie's P.O.V

What did I said wrong to make Alex go KABOOM? sheesshh she is so hard to understand. 

After eating the wings, I decided to go home with Kyle, I rushed to my room, and decided to jump to my bed, I took my laptop, and stalked the one and only, Franco, 

"Yes ! I found his facebook," I eeped, 

"Whose facebook ?" a voice interupted me, urgh, Kyle, 

"None of you business, Kyle," I annoyingly said, and with that he left with an angry look, then I felt guilty that I have said that to him, how could I be so cruel ? 

Kyle's P.O.V

"None of you business, Kyle," she annoyingly said, my face turns red, I was just asking, I turned and left her room, how can't she see, that I love her, I care for her ?

cause you haven't told her, you idiot -mind

right, whatever 

I went downstair to see Cole, "Whats up men ?" he greeted, 

"great, I guess, what's wrong with your sister," I asked, walking to the living room, 

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you haven't told her yet," Yes Cole knows that I love his sister, I didn't told him, he knew from the very start, 

"Oh shut up man, by the way, I'm going home, see you tomorrow?" Cole nodded, and I left, 

Maybe I should tell her...

Jasmine's P.O.V

Tyler went home, after he dropped me home, I was all alone at home, after Alex go Kaboom! me and Natalie, haven't really talk to each other, now that Alex is mad at Natalie maybe I shoud ask her why, I texted her, 

To Alex, 

What happened before?

I click the send, less that a second, a message arrive, 

From Alex, 

None of your business

that was her reply, okay ? since when did I do wrong ? argh 

I texted Natalie and ignore Alex, 

To Natalie, 

I texted Alex to asked what's wrong but she answered, "None of your business," mind explaining?

From Natalie,

I have no idea, maybe she finds out that you have a little crush on Franco ?

To Natalie,

what, I do not

From Natalie,

Oh admit it J, we have suspicious since you are admiring his awestruck eyes

To Natalie,

okay fine maybe a little, I know right he have the most beautiful eyes

From Natalie,

yea, now you see all of us have a crush on Franco, that what makes Alex mad, and now so do I

To Natalie,

like what I have thought, this Franco thing have ruined us

From Natalie,


with that I throw my phone in the air, and it dropped in the ground, making it broke, great now not that my phone is broken, our friendship is broken, urrgghh I hate you Franco. 

Author's note :

Uh Oh ! dun dun dun dun 

by the way, its JZS, I'm being very kind to update everyday, right ? *the readers nodded* 

so yea I'll be updating soon i guess haha if you like it vote for it ! 

thanks x

JZS xx

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