Chapter (2) - Jasmine's P.O.V

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School finished so fast, I don't know why, or maybe I lost track of time. Me, Alex, and Natalie, after school, we didn't go straight to Starbucks, because we have sport practices, Alex is the school's best tennis player, Natalie is the school's best climber, and me, I'm the school's number one runner.

I was already running in the track, when Coach Keller (yes she is a killer coach) stopped me, "Ms. Tanner, can I have a word with you for a while ?" she screamed, I nodded, I approached Coach Keller, who was standing beside a good-looking guy, 

"Yes?" I asked nervously, trying to not look at the cute guy, I'm not used to be all nervous around guys, 

"Ms. Tanner meet Mr. Lambert," I nodded, This 'Lambert' guy offered his hand to shake my hand, I shook them, "Mr. Lambert here is going to join our running team, he is still new kid," Coach Keller gave me a weird look, I recognized that look, it's 'dont-do-something-bad' look, ha. ha. so much for being trusted?

Me, and Mr. Lambert a.k.a the cute guy, jogged silently to the running track, until he broke the silence, "I'm Franco," I glanced at him, then look in the track again, 

"I'm Jasmine," I didn't notice that he was as fast as me cause I'm actually thee number runner, sorry, didn't meant to brag, but that is the fact. 

We didn't talked while we were running, I was walking to the girls locker, but a tap in my shoulder stopped me, I glanced to the back, to see Franco standing behind me, butterflies is messing with my stomach, oh screw that, the entire jungle is messing with my stomach, "eer yes?" I stuttered, 

since when do I stutter ? screw you boys !

"Will we meet again ?" he asked, oh my gosh that voice, 

"Probably," I smirked, and 'try' to leave, but his hand grabbed my wrist, 

"can I have your number ?" 

should I give him my number ?

yes -mind

no -heart

but being the stubborn person I am, I nodded, he handed me, his phone, I dialed my number, save it, call it, and I took a selfie of myself, I heard him chuckle, "Don't you dare to laugh in my selfies, Franco," I teased, and left him. 

Finally home, at last ! I remembered I have a hangout with my girls at 7 in starbucks, I decided I'll take a nap, It's still 5:30, I jumped in my bed not even bothering to change, I drifted to sleep.

I woke up, and I checked the time, It's 6:30, good think I still have like half an hour to get ready, I showered myself with a hot water, it feels good, I finally got out, I wear my black tanktop, a jersey jeans jacket, a short jeans, and a black converse, I grabbed my phone, and my black purse, and left home, I decided to walk to starbucks, it's just a 5 minutes walk. 

finally starbucks, I sat beside Natalie, then she started to babble about this new hot guy... here we go.

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