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  Just freaking wonderful. I'm gassing my truck up at an abandoned store when I heard gurgling noises from behind my vehicle. I sighed and pulled my AK47 I "borrowed" from a dead army guy from the back of my truck and almost shuttered when I saw quite a few decaying figures sauntering towards me as if they already owned my flesh. One spotted me and began running, if you could even call it that, and I knew it was time to go, I've got good aim but I was running low on bullets and I didn't want to get that close to them to use my machete. I screwed the gas tank lid on and shut the little door and jumped inside the cab.
    Time to use my toys. I make a 360 and drove into the herd of zombies spikes first. I grew up in a mechanical family so building on and in vehicles was no problem. A few got impaled by the spikes on the front of my truck while the others were crushed under the weight of my truck wheels. I looked into my rearview mirror and sighed once more to see a living corpse making its way up my tailgate. I pulled open the slider window in the back and pulled the small pistol out of my bag. I do ALOT of collecting weapons okay?
    I poked the gun out of the window and shot twice, the speed of the truck, and the force of the shot knocked the corpse off of my tailgate onto the asphalt of the broken and cracked road. I slid the pistol back into my bag and directed all my focus back to the "road" and trying to make my way back to my house.
  Swerving to miss piles of decaying corpses on the ground and upright ones having they're noon meal I finally reached my destination. Home sweet home. Kindly small is an understatement as my house is really an oversized shed with two windows,boarded up, and a door I have to duck under to get through. its quite odd blue color was splattered with blood. At least it's not mine. I pull up as close as I can get to the door and jump out grabbing my bag and sliding my pistol into my belt loop just in case.

Apocalypse Upon Us- JacksepticeyeWhere stories live. Discover now